• have all that is necessary 应有尽有

    21-10-13 应有尽有,汉语成语,意思是应该有的都有,形容十分齐备。可以翻译为have everything that one expects to find,have all that is necessary。 例句: 商店货品齐全,从香烟到再生厕纸应有尽有。 The shop stocks everything from cigarettes to recycled loo paper....

  • MSCI将中国A股纳入新兴市场指数

    17-06-21 Global equity indexes provider MSCI announced Tuesday that beginning in June 2018, it will include China A-shares in the MSCI Emerging Markets (EM) Index and the MSCI ACWI (All Country World Index) Index. 全球股票指数提供者摩根士丹利资本国际公司周二...

  • 停火协议促使俄罗斯股市上涨

    14-09-04 Russian stocks have risen to their highest level in three months following the announcement of a ceasefire agreement with Ukraine. 俄罗斯宣布与乌克兰达成停火协议之后,俄国内股市升至三月以来最高水平。 The main Micex index gained 3.5%, while Russian g...

  • 地中海鱼群存量持续下降

    14-07-11 While careful management has helped stabilize or even improve the state of fisheries resources in some parts of Europe, the situation in the Mediterranean has deteriorated over the past 20 years. In a new report evaluating nine fish species reported...

  • 印度央行新行长上任 卢比与股市同增长

    13-09-05 The Indian currency and stocks have jumped a day after the country's new central bank chief took charge and promised tough action to boost growth. 印度货币与股市同时增长,一天前新任央行行长上任饼承诺采取严厉措施促进经济增长。 The Indian rupee, one o...

  • 印尼股市进入熊市

    13-08-20 Indonesia stocks have continued to drop on concerns of slowing economic growth and a widening current account deficit. 受经济增长缓慢以及收支往来账户赤字加大的影响,印度尼西亚股市持续下跌。 The Jakarta Composite Index fell 4.9% on Tuesday, putting i...

  • 欧洲海洋中的鱼类稳固上升

    13-07-19 The results of a major international effort to assess the status of dozens of European fish stocks find that many of those stocks in the northeast Atlantic are being fished sustainably today and that, given time, those populations should continue to...

  • 日本股市连跌七日

    12-04-11 Japanese stocks fell for the seventh straight session as fresh fears over the health of the world economy sparked a global sell-off. 对世界经济的担忧引发全球证券的跌价,日本股市因此连降七日。 The Nikkei 225 index shed 0.8%. Elsewhere, Hong Kong's Ha...

  • 本周亚洲股市整体下滑

    11-09-23 Asian stocks have fallen on Friday, with some indexes driving towards their worst weekly losses since 2008. 本周亚洲股市呈下跌趋势,某些指数达到2008年以来最低值。 Worries about a global recession have intensified after warnings from the IMF and Worl...

  • 西班牙削减预算赤字 亚洲股市整体上涨

    10-05-13 Asian stocks have risen after Spain announced plans to cut its budget deficit, easing worries that Europe's debt crisis could spread. 西班牙宣布采取措施削减预算赤字,减轻了欧洲债务危机继续扩散的担忧,亚洲股市因此上涨。 Shares across Asia rose after...
