• 孕期压力使 “孩子更容易出现人格障碍”

    20-11-24 一项研究表明,如果孕妇在怀孕期间压力过大,她们的孩子在 30 岁之前患上人格障碍的可能性要比普通人高出近十倍。这项报告称,即使是适度的长期压力也可能会对胎儿的发育产生影响,这个影响在婴儿出生后仍会继续。 One in twenty people is thought to have a personal...

  • 研究发现植物能为人减压

    20-11-17 Scientists gave 38 households in an economically deprived part of Salford in the north of England a tree, a shrub, and some other flowering plants. More than half said the plants made them feel happier. But the scientists also measured cortisol leve...

  • 放松点!

    20-10-19 1. Take it easy. 放松点。 搭配take it easy用来劝人不要慌张,意思是放松点,休息一下。 2. Chill out. 别紧张。 动词短语chill out也可以用来劝人放松、冷静下来,意思是别紧张、放松点。 3. Dont stress. 别紧张。 动词stress的意思是紧张、焦虑。 4. Put your fee...

  • 英国超半数员工担心就业问题

    20-10-12 The pressure and responsibility of being an employee during a global pandemic can put a lot of stress on people, especially with the changes in work patterns and the risk of losing a job. 在全球新冠疫情期间,作为一名员工的压力和责任会让人倍感紧张,...

  • 如何避免过度疲劳

    20-09-01 Whether its studying for exams, working on a project or struggling with a dissertation, weve all been under immense stress at some point. When it gets a bit overwhelming, we can reach a level of exhaustion that is unprecedented the dreaded burnout....

  • andropause 男性更年期

    16-12-11 Andropause - also colloquially known as male menopause - is said to be the result of a gradual drop in testosterone, which is an androgen. The medical community is currently debating whether or not men really do go through a well-defined menopause....

  • 专四高频200词 3

    16-08-03 affordable a.可负担得起的 stretch v.伸展 prompt a./v.迅速的;立即的/催促 promote v.提高,促进 disinterested a.公平的 maintenance n.维持;维修; sustainability n.可持续性 abolish v.废除 distinct a.清楚的 distinctive a.有特色的;与众不同的 release n./...

  • 教师职业倦怠可能与学生压力有关

    16-06-28 Teacher burnout and student stress may be linked, according to a University of British Columbia study. The study is the first of its kind to examine the connection between teacher burnout and students cortisol levels, which are a biological indicato...

  • WIN放松法 两步消除倦怠

    16-06-24 The dreaded mid-afternoon slump at work can often leave you feeling uninterested and demotivated. 可怕的下午三点倦怠症常导致你在工作中兴致缺缺,失去动力。 Experts are convinced theyve devised just that with the WIN routine - a two-step sequence desi...

  • 研究:狗狗们讨厌被拥抱

    16-05-17 It may come as a shock to owners, but dogs hate being cuddled, a study has shown. 听到这个消息,狗奴们也许很惊讶,但狗狗们讨厌被拥抱,这是有研究证实了的。 Animal psychologists say dogs feel stressed and unhappy when they are embraced by their owners...