• 长期暴露于污染空气中会损坏大脑结构

    15-04-28 Air pollution, even at moderate levels, has long been recognized as a factor in raising the risk of stroke. A new study led by scientists from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Boston University School of Medicine suggests that long-term expo...

  • X射线结构测定新方法

    14-09-10 Over 100 years since the Nobel Prize-winning father and son team Sir William and Sir Lawrence Bragg pioneered the use of X-rays to determine crystal structure, University of Adelaide researchers have made significant new advances in the field. Publi...

  • 压力之下的玻璃内部结构变化

    14-09-02 Glass has many applications that call for different properties, such as resistance to thermal shock or to chemically harsh environments. Glassmakers commonly use additives such as boron oxide to tweak these properties by changing the atomic structur...

  • 土卫恩克拉多斯南极附近暗藏地下水库

    14-04-06 In 2005, NASA's Cassini spacecraft sent pictures back to Earth depicting an icy Saturnian moon spewing water vapor and ice from fractures, known as tiger stripes, in its frozen surface. It was big news that tiny Enceladus -- a mere 500 kilometers in...

  • political structure reform 政治体制改革

    13-06-06 On political structure reform -- We must continue to make both active and prudent efforts to carry out the reform of the political structure, and make people's democracy more extensive, fuller in scope and sounder in practice. -- We should place hig...

  • 化学结晶学研究取得重大突破

    13-04-08 A research team led by Professor Makoto Fujita of the University of Tokyo, Japan, and complemented by Academy Professor Kari Rissanen of the University of Jyvskyl, Finland, has made a fundamental breakthrough in single-crystal X-ray analysis, the mo...

  • 里约热内卢问题奥运馆不会被拆

    13-03-28 The mayor of Rio de Janeiro has said the stadium due to host the athletics events at the 2016 Olympics will not be demolished, despite structural problems that have led to its closure. 里约热内卢市长称,将在2016年举办奥运会的体育馆不会被拆除,尽管它...

  • 考古学家发掘出玛雅天文表

    12-05-11 Archaeologists working at the Xultun ruins of the Mayan civilisation have reported striking finds, including the oldest-known Mayan astronomical tables. 工作在玛雅文明Xultun废墟中的考古学家取得惊人发现,他们发现一处最古老的玛雅天文表。 The preservat...

  • 参与艾滋病毒形成的蛋白质结构图完成

    10-06-10 Researchers at the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine and University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) have created a three-dimensional picture of an important protein that is involved in how HIV -- the virus responsible for AIDS -- is pr...

  • 冷泉港实验室成功修改氨酸受体内结构

    09-11-13 A team of scientists at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) reports on Thursday their success in solving the molecular structure of a key portion of a cellular receptor(细胞内受体) implicated in Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and other serious illness...