• sweat it out 做高强度的运动锻炼

    21-04-22 动词 sweat 的意思是 流汗,而包含 sweat 的表达 sweat it out 的意思是 做高强度的运动锻炼身体,这种运动锻炼往往让人 挥汗如雨。Sweat it out 多用在非正式的口语交流中。 例句 My boyfriend used to hate exercise, but now he really likes to sweat it out in th...

  • 努力工作或者学习

    20-10-18 1. I am burning the candle at the both ends. 我在过份地消耗精力或是财产。 这句话形容你每天早出晚归,无尽进行工作。就像蜡烛,两端都点燃了一样。 2. I will go the extra mile. 我会加倍努力! 形容除了干自己份内的活,还主动承担额外的工作。也表达为非常努力...

  • 论跑步耐力人类远胜其它物种

    18-04-21 Each year, a small town in Wales holds the Man Versus Horse Marathon. Its a 22-mile race between riders on horseback and runners. And, while horses often win, humans will sometimes prevail. 威尔士的一个小镇每年都会举办人马长跑大赛,由骑马者和跑步者...

  • 多吃瓜果蔬菜可让体味更迷人

    16-11-30 Contrary to popular belief, the best way for men to meet women isnt by becoming an idol otaku or a rental boyfriend online. Instead, its all about what theyre putting into their mouths. 想要邂逅女生?当一名偶像宅男或是网上的可出租男友可不是什么好办...

  • 男性吃大蒜 汗味对女性更具吸引力

    15-11-18 Scientists found the sweat of men who had eaten the bulb smelt more attractive to women. 科学家发现,吃了大蒜的男性汗味对女性更具吸引力。 The researchers suggested that women may have evolved to prefer the type of smell that eating garlic - which is...

  • 各种跟“热”有关的词汇

    15-09-15 hot and humid 湿热 hot and dry 干热 hot spell 连续高温天气 heat stroke/sunstroke 中暑 heat wave 热浪 heat-related illnesses 高温病 heat-resistant 抗热的/耐热的 sauna days 桑拿天 sizzling/severe heat 酷热 scorching sun 烈日、骄阳 blistering summer da...

  • 科学家研制可以分解汗水的香水

    15-04-07 Scientists have created a perfume that breaks down sweat and actually smells better the more someone perspires. 科学家已经研制出了一种香水,它可以分解汗水。人们出汗越多,香水越好闻。 The discovery paves the way for a deodorant that becomes more powe...

  • 瑞典发明汗水提取机 汗水变饮用水

    13-07-19 在瑞典,一部能够从浸满汗水的衣服上提取出安全纯净饮用水的汗水提取机进入了人们的视线。这部机器通过高速旋转和加热待提取的衣服,从而使汗水变成蒸汽与衣物分离,再经过一层特殊设计的过滤网,让水分子得以通过,而细菌、衣物纤维等物质被隔离开来,如此就提取到了...

  • 亚利桑那州某男子被判过失杀人

    10-02-04 A motivational speaker has been charged with manslaughter over the deaths of three people who fell ill during a meeting at a Arizona sweat lodge. 一位激励演讲者被指控过失杀人,据悉他曾在亚利桑那州某蒸汗屋举办集会,导致三人患病猝死。 James Ray (right...

  • 女人可以“闻汗识男人”

    10-01-03 Women can sense if men are attracted to them by the smell of his sweat. 女人可以闻汗识男人。 The smell of a man's sweat differs according to what mood he is in. The smell of a man's sweat differs according to what mood he is in and women can pick up...