• nine times out of ten 十之八九

    21-07-05 表达nine times out of ten的含义和其字面所表达的意思相同,即十有八九,或几乎总是。使用这个表示频率的说法可以让语言更加生动、丰富。 例句 When John wants something, nine times out of ten he gets it. 当约翰想要什么东西的时候,十之八九他都能得到。 Nine t...

  • 通往成功之路的9句名言

    16-02-15 1. People do not start out with the search for facts,they start out with an opinion. 有效的管理者都知道一项决策不是从搜集事实开始的,而是先有自己的见解。(彼得德鲁克) 2. The world breaks everyone, and afterward many are strong at the broken places...

  • 《纽约时报》总编辑阿布拉姆松被撤职

    14-05-15 In a surprise move, the New York Times newspaper has announced that it has replaced executive editor Jill Abramson with immediate effect. 《纽约时报》出人意料地宣布,立即撤掉执行编辑吉尔阿布拉姆松的职务。 Dean Baquet, 57, the paper's managing editor...

  • My Mother

    13-10-29 My Mother Ellen Bryant Voigt my mother my mother my mother she could do anything so she did everything the world was an unplowed(未整修过的) field a dress to be hemmed a scraped knee it needed a casserole(勺皿,砂锅菜) it needed another alto in...

  • 倍数如何翻译

    13-06-03 1. A是B的N倍大/长(或者A比B大/长N-1倍) 一般有以下两种英语表达方法; (1) A is N times as large/long (形容词/副词原形) as B. Eg: Asia is four times as large as Europe. (2) A is N times larger/longer(形容词/副词比较级)than B. Eg: Asia is four times lar...

  • 冲破黎明前的黑暗 终见阳光

    13-05-28 When Difficulties Arise, Hang In There. Difficulties arise in the lives of us all. What is most important is dealing with the hard times, coping with the changes, and getting through to the other side where the sun is still shining just for you. It...

  • 《伴娘我最大》四

    12-08-31 精彩对白 Guest: This is the most beautiful shower I have ever been to. Guest: Yes, and Helen is giving out the cutest party favors . I know, I love their pink berets . Waiter: Would you like some champagne? Annie: Yes. Waiter: It's French. Lilian: A...
