• 乞丐变导游

    21-03-30 How can this charity help homeless people regain their confidence? Do you know the open-air art gallery in Londons Blackall Street? Not many Londoners know it either, but Henri does and he is willing to show it to you. Henri used to sleep rough unti...

  • 来自地狱的明信片

    21-03-09 Sun, a sandy beach and a nice view. Is that what all tourists want? Not quite. Trips to sites of death, brutality and terror are on the increase. About 350,000 people now visit Robben Island in South Africa every year. Thats where Nelson Mandela was...

  • 城市摩天大楼直冲云端

    21-03-06 When youre walking around a city, how often do you look up and admire the view? Many of us are in too much of a rush to appreciate the architecture all around us. Cities are always growing, and when space is at a premium, they expand upwards reachin...

  • 巴西某旅游景点只对新冠康复游客开放

    20-09-01 One of Brazils most celebrated tourist destinations, the paradisiacal archipelago of Fernando de Noronha, has announced it is reopening to outsiders as long as they have had Covid-19. 巴西最著名的旅游目的地之一、天堂般的费尔南多迪诺罗尼亚群岛宣布重...

  • witness tree 见证树

    20-08-28 Witness tree refers to an extremely old tree, particularly one that was present at one or more important historical events. 见证树指的是历经沧桑的古树,特别是见证过一个或多个重要历史事件的古树。 Many tourists come to the Laurel Hill Cemetery, and th...

  • 去美国旅游的中国游客数量减少

    19-08-15 The number of tourists from China who are travelling to the United States has been falling since last year, putting growing pressure on Americas economy, reports Xinhua News Agency. 新华社报道,从去年开始前往美国旅游的中国游客数量已下降,这对美国经...

  • 巴黎圣母院尖顶全球招募设计方案

    19-04-18 France will invite architects from around the world to submit designs for rebuilding the spire of Notre-Dame cathedral, Prime Minister Edouard Philippe said Wednesday. 法国总理爱德华菲利普周三表示,法国将邀请全球各地的建筑师为巴黎圣母院的尖塔提交设...

  • 珠峰核心区严禁普通游客进入

    19-02-15 Mount Qomolangma National Nature Reserve in Chinas Tibet Autonomous Region has banned ordinary tourists from entering its core zone to better conserve the environment of the worlds highest mountain. 西藏珠穆朗玛峰国家自然保护区已禁止普通游客进入珠峰...

  • 上海试运营AI双层观光巴士

    18-12-20 A fleet of sightseeing buses equipped with artificial intelligence (AI) technology have started trial operation Wednesday in Shanghai. 一队装备人工智能技术的观光巴士周三在上海开始试运营。 Co-developed by Chinese search engine giant Baidu and a Shang...

  • 支付宝进入挪威

    18-12-13 Norway has become another Nordic country after Finland to accept Alipay. 继芬兰之后,挪威成为另一个支持支付宝的北欧国家。 Norways largest payment app Vipps said on Tuesday that it is rolling out Alipay in Norway, beginning with 30 location businesse...