• 南极洲旅游业与科学共荣

    22-07-22 Trip of a lifetime is how many describe going to Antarctica. This incredibly alluring but remote location attracts around 60,000 visitors each year. 许多人将前往南极洲称为 终生难得的旅行。这个极具魅力而偏远的地方每年吸引约六万名游客。 These tourists...

  • city slickers 油头滑脑的城里人

    21-12-28 City slicker 指的是那些习惯并适应城市生活的人,而他们往往看不起生活在小镇里的人。 例句 Mike hates London. He says its full of city slickers who think anyone who doesnt live there is a peasant. During rush hour, the city slickers get fed up with tour...

  • fleece 敲竹杠

    21-11-15 一个人外出旅游,人生地不熟(be a complete stranger in a place),最怕的就是被人敲竹杠。 敲竹杠是一个汉语俗语,字面意思是beat the bamboo stick,用来比喻利用他人的弱点或错误敲诈勒索(fleece,take advantage of somebodys being in a weak position to over...

  • 张家界所有景区景点于7月30日上午关闭

    21-07-30 7月29日,多地陆续报告有张家界市旅居史的新冠病毒感染人员。当日,张家界市在新闻发布会上宣布,张家界所有景区景点于7月30日上午关闭。 Tourists are advised against going to Zhangjiajie in Central Chinas Hunan province as the city has become another key po...