• 马来西亚将对中国游客实行签证豁免

    16-01-29 Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak said Thursday that the country will grant visa exemption for Chinese tourists as a measure to boost tourism. 马来西亚总理纳吉布拉扎克周四表示,马来西亚将向中国游客提供签证豁免权以促进旅游业发展。 When announcing...

  • bakugai 爆买

    16-01-08 Bakugai , or explosive buying, a phrase referring to record-level shopping sprees by Chinese tourists in Japan, has been named the Japanese Word of the Year. 被日本坊间用以形容中国游客在日疯狂购物现象的爆买一词,在日本2015 U-Can新语-流行语大奖评选中...

  • 中国游客带动韩国旅游业发展

    16-01-05 According to the Korean National Tourism Organization, 160-thousand Chinese tourists visited South Korea over Christmas and the New Year, a 12 percent increase from the previous year. 韩国国家旅游局统计,圣诞节以及元旦期间到韩国游玩的中国游客达到16...

  • 尼泊尔将免除中国游客签证费

    15-12-29 The Nepalese government has announced plans to waive the visa fees for Chinese tourists entering the country. 尼泊尔政府宣布计划取消中国游客入境的签证费。 Chinese tourists travelling to the country will save around 200 yuan as part of the new agreem...

  • 日本地方政府将为外国游客提供翻译服务

    15-11-02 Tourists who encounter a language barrier while visiting Japan can now access 24-hour, multilingual phone assistance, it's reported. 有报道称,如今,在日旅游遇到语言障碍的外国游客,可以通过24小时多语言电话翻译服务获得帮助了。 Local authorities have...

  • 欧盟地标建筑前将禁止自拍

    15-07-03 Be careful if you're planning to take any 'selfies' in front of iconic monuments this summer. A new EU law banning the posting of photographs on social media sites containing public buildings could be in force by next week. 今夏如果您想在地标建筑前...

  • 《横冲直撞好莱坞》周末票房2600万美元

    15-06-29 Action Comedy movie Hollywood Adventures has earnt $26 million at the box office this weekend. 动作喜剧片《横冲直撞好莱坞》上周末票房2600万美元。 This ranks the film as the 9th biggest opening for a Chinese language film this year. Directed by Timot...

  • 20%中国游客取消韩国游计划

    15-06-09 Around 20 percent of Chinese tourists have cancelled their trips to South Korea due to their increasing concern over the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) outbreak. 因对韩国爆发的中东呼吸综合症疫情的担忧,大约20%的中国游客取消了去韩国的行程。...

  • 中国游客成群涌向帕劳群岛度假

    15-03-22 Chinese tourists are flocking to the remote Palau islands as China's growing number of rich seek new frontiers abroad, but not everyone in the Micronesian paradise is happy about it. 随着中国的富人越来越多,这些富人便开始寻求新的国外旅游胜地。于是大...

  • 冰岛希望吸引到更多中国游客

    14-12-26 Iceland's government is moving to try to lure more tourists from China. 冰岛政府试图吸引更多来自中国的游客到该国旅游。 The number of Chinese tourists vising Iceland so far this year has hit over 23-thousand. That's annualized increase of nearly 50-p...