• 伸缩式车库为私人座驾遮风挡雨

    15-07-20 The retractable car garage acts as a movable cocoon that wraps around your vehicle when it's stopped in a regular car space. 这款伸缩式车库如同一个可以动的蚕茧,当车停到停车位时就会将车包裹起来。 Not only that, but it's solar powered so you'll be sa...

  • ice missile 冰弹

    15-04-13 Ice missile is a chunk of ice that flies off the roof of a moving vehicle. 冰弹指的是从移动的车辆顶部飞落的大块儿冰块。 Anyone who lives or drives regularly in one of the cold-weather states has probably observed the phenomenon: A massive chunk of i...

  • Amish Bumper Sticker

    15-01-14 While driving in Pennsylvania, a family caught up to an Amish carriage. The owner of the carriage obviously had a sense of humor, because attached to the back of the carriage was a hand printed sign...Energy efficient vehicle: Runs on oats and grass...

  • 悉尼发生八车相撞交通事故 两人死亡

    15-01-05 Two men have died and four people, including two children, have been injured in a high impact eight-vehicle smash in Sydney on Monday morning. 本周一上午,悉尼发生一起八车高速相撞的交通事故,两位男子死亡,另有四人受伤,其中包括两名儿童。 Seven cars...

  • 深圳发布汽车限购令

    14-12-30 The southern Chinese city of Shenzhen has announced a car purchasing restriction requiring buyers to get new car plates by lottery or auction. 中国南方城市深圳发布汽车限购令,买家需通过摇号或者拍卖才能获得汽车牌照。 The announcement does come as a b...

  • 美国男子掰弯车门框解救被困司机

    14-07-02 A man saved a driver from a burning car by bending the door with his bare hands, say police, describing his feat of superhuman strength. 一名美国男子将一辆着火汽车的车门框徒手掰弯把司机解救出来,警察称这一壮举乃是超人般的力量。 The door Renning pris...

  • 二战遗留炸弹在德国西部城市爆炸

    14-01-13 A World War II bomb or mine exploded in a western German town on Friday, killing the driver of a bulldozer and wounding 13 other people, police said. 上周五,一枚二战时遗留的炸弹在德国西部城市爆炸,挖掘机司机当场死亡,另有13人受伤。 The explosion ha...

  • 像水母一样飞行的机器

    13-11-25 Up, up in the sky: It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a . . . jellyfish? That's what researchers have built -- a small vehicle whose flying motion resembles(相似) the movements of those boneless, pulsating(脉动的) , water-dwelling creatures. The wo...

  • 物理学家找到利用废热的新途径

    13-09-07 Physicists at the University of Houston's physics department and the Texas Center for Superconductivity are working on an innovation that could boost vehicle mileage by 5 percent and power plant and industrial processing performance as much as 10 pe...

  • carpool lane 拼车专用道

    13-06-09 A high-occupancy vehicle lane (also HOV lane, carpool lane, diamond lane, and transit lane) is a restricted traffic lane reserved at peak travel times or longer for exclusive use of vehicles with a driver and one or more passengers. The normal minim...