• 奔驰宣布召回6406辆进口汽车

    19-05-27 German carmaker Mercedes-Benz has started recalling 6,406 imported automobiles in China due to a front passenger seat lock problem, according to Chinas market regulator. 德国汽车生产商梅赛德斯-奔驰已在中国召回6406辆进口车辆,这些车辆的前排座椅安全带...

  • 大众中国将推出全电动SUV

    19-04-15 Volkswagen is planning to release a fully-electric SUV in China which could compete with Teslas Model X. 大众计划在中国推出一款全电动SUV以对抗特斯拉ModelX。 The German automaker said Sunday the ID. ROOMZZ will be unveiled at the upcoming Shanghai Au...

  • 宝马在中国召回121381辆汽车

    19-04-10 German auto brand BMW has begun recalling 121,381 vehicles in China due to an electrical problem that may lead to the malfunction of the cars electronic module. 德国汽车品牌宝马在中国召回121381辆汽车,这些车辆存在一个可能导致电子组件发生故障的电气问...

  • 中国将加快甲醇燃料汽车的推广应用

    19-03-20 Chinese authorities issued a guideline on Tuesday to speed up the construction of the manufacturing system and market application of methanol-fueled vehicles. 中国政府周二发布一份加快制造体系建设和甲醇燃料汽车市场应用的指导意见。 Relevant automobile...

  • 菲利普亲王决定放弃驾照

    19-02-11 Prince Philip has decided to stop driving at the age of 97, Buckingham Palace said Saturday. 97岁的菲利普亲王决定不再开车。 Prosecutors said they would consider the decision as they decide whether to charge the husband of Queen Elizabeth II over the...

  • 中国第一艘导弹无人艇亮相

    18-11-09 The Observer II, Chinas first missile-carrying unmanned surface vehicle (USV), had its public debut on Tuesday at the 12th China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition. 瞭望者II,中国第一艘导弹无人艇周二在第12届中国国际航空航天展览会上亮相...

  • 上海通用将召回330万辆汽车

    18-09-30 Shanghai General Motors announced recently that it will recall 3.3 million Buick, Chevrolet, and Cadillac vehicles built from 2013 to 2017 as part of a safety recall. 上海通用汽车最近宣布,因为安全问题将召回2013年至2017年生产的330万辆别克、雪弗兰和...

  • 中国将设计可以延长卫星寿命的航天器

    18-08-13 Chinese scientists are designing a new type of spacecraft that can move a de-orbiting satellite back into its intended orbit, thus extending its period of service, according to the China Daily Monday. 《中国日报》周一报道,中国的科学家正在设计一种新...

  • 北京2000多申请者竞争一块车牌

    18-06-27 New statistics show 2,031 have competed for a license plate in June through Beijings vehicle lottery system, a new record, reports the Beijing Youth Daily. 《新京报》报道,6月最新数据显示,北京汽车摇号系统内,2031位申请者竞争一块车牌,创新纪录。 Aro...

  • 中国私家车已达1.7亿辆

    18-05-28 Motor vehicle ownership in China has reached over 310 million in 2017, with a net increase of 15 million compared to 2016, according to the 2017 China White Paper on Parking Industry Development. 《2017中国停车行业发展白皮书》显示,2017年中国机动车...