• Twilight 暮光之城:暮色 Chapter 11 Complications

    22-01-21 Everyone watched us as we walked together to our lab table. I noticedthat he no longer angled the chair to sit as far from me as the deskwould allow. Instead, he sat quite close beside me, our arms almosttouching. Mr. Banner backed into the room the...

  • 日本推出新交通工具“双模车”

    22-01-12 这是一辆公共汽车,也是一辆火车,它可以在马路上行走,也可以在铁轨上行走,这就是日本新推出的交通工具双模车,仅需15秒种就可以在两个模式之间切换。 Japan recently unveiled the worlds first Dual-Mode Vehicle (DMV), a contraption that runs both on roads, l...

  • 庞贝古城附近出土古罗马礼仪马车

    21-04-01 意大利考古学家在古罗马城市庞贝附近发掘出了一架礼仪马车。这架四轮马车是在一个马厩附近发现的,早在2018年,人们就曾在这个马厩里发掘出三匹马的遗...

  • 我国首款移动疫苗接种车4月将投入使用

    21-03-21 据《北京日报》报道,我国首款移动疫苗接种车预计4月在北京、河北等地投用。 Chinas first vaccination vehicle will hit the streets in April in Beijing and north Chinas Hebei province, which will allow people to receive COVID-19 shots near their residence...

  • 电动滑板车的安全

    21-01-02 If you look around the streets of London, youll see the many methods people use to move around. Whether its on a commute to work, a trip to the shops, or a sightseeing excursion, there are people on buses, the Tube, cars, motorbikes, bicycles and ev...

  • 肥皂泡可为果树授粉

    20-11-17 日本的研究人员已经成功地利用肥皂泡薄膜中携带的花粉为梨树授粉。由于全世界蜜蜂数量的减少,科学家们一直在寻找给作物授粉的替代方法。 Beloved by children and many adults, soap bubbles would hardly seem to be the most robust vehicle for pollinating fruit...

  • 5G无人配送车在南京路测

    19-08-19 An unmanned delivery vehicle supported by 5G networks was tested on the road on Saturday in Nanjing, east Chinas Jiangsu Province, jiemian.com reported. 一辆5G无人配送车周六在江苏南京街头出现开始测试。 Developed by Suning, Chinas major retailer, the...