• 2030年海南将禁销燃油汽车

    19-03-06 Authorities in the southern Chinese island province of Hainan is set to completely prohibit the sale of fossil-fueled vehicles by the end of 2030. 海南省将在2030年前全面禁止销售燃油汽车。 Hainan will become the first province in China to roll out a...

  • 11月中国汽车销量继续下降

    18-12-12 Auto sales in China continued to decline last month, industry data showed Tuesday. 周二公布的行业数据显示,11月中国汽车销量继续下降。 A total of 2.55 million vehicles were sold in November, down 13.9 percent year on year, according to the China Asso...

  • 大连公共交通将换成环保车辆

    18-11-20 Northeast Chinas port city of Dalian will switch its buses and ride-hailing cars in urban areas to environmentally-friendly vehicles in the next few years. 未来几年内,中国东北港城大连市区内的公交车和网约车将换成环保型车辆。 Local public transport o...

  • 福特与百度合作测试无人驾驶汽车

    18-11-02 U.S. automaker Ford has teamed up with Baidu, Chinas equivalent of Google, for a two-year autonomous vehicle test project in China. 美国福特汽车与中国百度展开合作,在中国进行一个为期两年的无人驾驶汽车测试项目。 Sherif Marakby, president and CEO of F...

  • 比亚迪将向美国销售更多电动汽车

    18-08-14 Chinese electric automaker BYD has won the bids to supply vehicles to the U.S. state of Georgia and Atlanta city, the company said in a statement released on Monday. 中国电动汽车制造商比亚迪获得美国乔治亚州和亚特兰大市的汽车订单。 BYD said it will s...

  • 长城宝马建合资企业生产新能源汽车

    18-07-11 Chinese carmaker Great Wall Motor Company Limited announced Tuesday a joint venture (JV) with BMW, with each side holding a 50 percent stake in the new company of new energy automobiles. 中国长城汽车股份有限公司周二宣布将于宝马成立一个合资企业制造新...

  • 2018北京PM2.5平均密度有所下降

    18-06-08 The average density of PM2.5 in Beijing from January to May was 58 micrograms per cubic meter, down 18.3 percent year on year, the Beijing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau announced Thursday. 北京市环保局周四宣布,1月至5月北京PM2.5平均密度...

  • 汉堡禁柴油车减轻空气污染

    18-05-31 Hamburg has become the first city in Germany to impose a partial ban on some older diesel vehicles. 汉堡成为德国首个禁止某些老旧柴油机车辆上路的城市。 The move comes as a blow to the federal government as well as the countrys automotive industry. Di...

  • 南京将限制出租车以及网约车数量

    18-04-20 East Chinas Nanjing city announced measures to limit the number of taxis and for-hire vehicles Thursday. 南京市周四宣布措施限制出租车以及网约车数量。 From Saturday, Nanjing, capital of Jiangsu Province, will approve no new licenses for vehicles for...

  • 中国新能源汽车产销量连续三年世界第一

    18-04-18 China has topped the global list of countries for both the production and sale of new energy vehicles for three consecutive years last year, reports the Peoples daily. 《人民日报》报道,中国新能源汽车产量与销量连续三年世界排名第一。 Chinese producer...