• 暴力视频游戏对青少年有害?

    11-04-21 How much scientific evidence is there for and against the assertion(断言,声明) that exposure to video game violence can harm teens? Three researchers have developed a novel method to consider that question: they analyzed the research output of ex...

  • 韩国:智能手机软件助男士排解寂寞

    10-12-18 Lonesome South Koreans who have trouble finding true love can now get video calls from a beautiful and cute girlfriend -- if they download a smartphone application. 在韩国,只要下载一款智能手机软件,难觅真爱的寂寞男们就可以接到美丽迷人的女友打来的视...

  • 杰克逊歌曲Thriller将被拍成电影

    10-11-06 GK电影公司目前正在与Real Effects娱乐公司积极谈判,希望获得迈克尔杰克逊经典MV《颤栗者》同名电影的改编权。 Michael Jacksons Thriller made history as one of the most cinematic music videos of all time. Michael Jacksons Thriller made history as one of t...

  • 世界首例远程麻醉手术成功实施

    10-09-12 Videoconferences(可视会议) may be known for putting people to sleep, but never like this. Dr. Thomas Hemmerling and his team of McGill's Department of Anesthesia(麻醉) achieved a world first on August 30, 2010, when they treated patients undergo...

  • 观看喜欢的视频时 画面质量往往会被忽视

    10-08-13 Research from Rice University's Department of Psychology finds that if you like what you're watching, you're less likely to notice the difference in video quality of the TV show, Internet video or mobile movie clip(电影片段) . The findings come fr...

  • 更先进的液晶显示器即将问世

    10-08-11 Sleek(圆滑的) design and ease of use are just two of the main reasons consumers are increasingly attracted to tablets and e-readers. And these devices are only going to get better -- display technology improvements are on the way. Several e-reader...

  • Facebook成为英国发展最迅速的视频网站

    10-05-03 Facebook is the fastest growing video site in the UK over the last year, according to new comScore data. 根据互联网流量检测机构comScore的最新统计数据,Facebook是去年英国发展最为迅速的视频网站。 Overall online video viewing in the UK has grown by 37...

  • 意大利谷歌主管被定罪

    10-02-25 An Italian court has convicted three Google executives in a trial over a video showing an autistic teenager being bullied. 因为谷歌上一段孤独症少年被欺负的视频,意大利一家法院判定三名谷歌主管有罪。 The Google employees were accused of breaking Itali...

  • 研究:玩电子游戏与大脑某部分功能相关

    10-01-21 If you find video games a struggle, it could be to do with the size of certain parts of your brain, a study suggests. 一项研究显示,如果你发现玩电子游戏是一种痛苦,那么可能跟你大脑某些部位的大小有关。 These are the parts which are in play US researc...

  • 斯里兰卡军队杀戮真实发生过

    10-01-08 Video apparently showing extra-judicial killings by Sri Lankan troops is genuine, a UN envoy has said. 一位联合国特使称,一段显示斯里兰卡军队法外杀戮的录像是真实的。 UN special rapporteur文书,书记 Philip Alston said three independent experts had co...