• 研究人员视频拍到克罗斯河大猩猩

    12-05-09 Conservationists working in Cameroon's Kagwene Gorilla Sanctuary have collected the first camera trap video footage of the Cross River gorilla. With fewer than 250 individuals remaining, Cross River gorillas are the world's rarest gorilla and a noto...

  • 乌克兰前总理季莫申科疑与律师有私情

    12-04-30 A lawyer for Ukraine's jailed former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko on Wednesday said he may sue a news agency over publication of a video alleging he had an affair with his defendant. 正在服刑的乌克兰前总理尤利亚季莫申科的律师称,他将起诉一家新闻...

  • 优酷土豆宣布换股合并

    12-03-18 国内最大的两个视频网站优酷和土豆于3月12日共同宣布,双方已于3月11日签订最终协议,将以100%换股的方式合并,合并后的新公司叫做优酷土豆有限公司。 Increasing competition in China's online video market has pushed the two biggest players to a merger that wi...

  • 电子游戏对地区的描述常带暴力色彩

    12-02-28 In the past few years, the video game industry has grown from a niche market into a major part of mainstream media. This increase in popularity and use of technology has allowed video game developers to insert more detail and nuance(细微差别) into...

  • 匈牙利制作挑逗性视频推动人口普查

    11-09-10 匈牙利将于下月进行全国人口普查,为了让更多人参与其中,匈牙利统计局制作了一个相当有挑逗意味的宣传视频。视频中,一名未穿上衣的年轻女子穿着红色内裤,黑色蕾丝长筒袜,手持一根鞭子,为上网参加普查的用户开门。 Hungary has produced a provocative(刺激的,挑...

  • Clickjacking 点击劫持

    11-09-07 Clickjacking is a malicious technique of tricking Web users into revealing confidential information or taking control of their computer while clicking on seemingly innocuous Web pages. A vulnerability across a variety of browsers and platforms, a cl...

  • 高竞争性游戏易使人产生攻击行为

    11-08-30 While most research into video games and aggressive behavior has focused on violent games, competitiveness may be the main video game characteristic that influences aggression, according to new research published by the American Psychological Associ...

  • 美国影视剧抢滩中国网络市场

    11-08-14 Hollywood studios are set to break into China's massive Internet market as domestic video sites scramble to screen U.S. movies and dramas on their digital platforms, a move which could also curb rampant piracy. 随着国内视频网站纷纷将美国影视剧搬上数...

  • To Buy a Video 买录像机

    11-06-19 Amos asked his mother whether they could have a video. Im afraid we cant afford one, sighed his mother. But on the following day in came Amos, staggering beneath the weight of a brand-new video. How on earth did you pay for that? gasped his mother....

  • 电脑游戏渐成婚姻杀手

    11-06-04 A growing number of marriages are being wrecked by video game addiction. 电脑游戏瘾正成为婚姻的一大杀手。 More women filing for divorce are complaining that their husbands spend too long playing video games, according to research. Of those wives who...