• 百度宣布分离视频搜索业务

    16-04-22 Chinese Internet giant Baidu has spun-off its video search unit. 中国互联网巨头百度公司宣布分离其视频搜索业务。 Shanghai New Culture Media Group is investing one billion yuan in Baidus video search division, which is now going to be called Xiaodu In...

  • 2016第一季度乐视网净利润增长20%

    16-04-20 Chinese online video website LeTV reported on Wednesday a 20 percent jump in net profit for the first quarter (Q1) due to growth in views. 中国在线视频网站乐视网周三报道,因浏览量的增长,2016第一季度净利润增长20%。 Leshi Internet Information Technol...

  • 通过动物组织传递高清视频级数据

    16-04-19 Using animal tissue samples--store-bought pork loin and beef liver--researchers from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign have demonstrated the possibility of real-time video-rate data transmission through tissue for in-body ultrasonic com...

  • dronestagram 无人机航拍

    16-02-23 Dronestagram refers to a photo or video shot from a drone. 无人机航拍是指无人机所拍摄的照片或视频。 这个词也可以写成drone-stagram,是由(无人机)和知名照片和视频分享网站Instagram拼缀而成的。dronestagram也可以做动词,意指使用无人机进行拍摄,其分词和...

  • bullet screen 弹幕

    16-02-23 Bullet screen , or danmu, a model of movie-watching that has been introduced in select theaters in China since 2014 has been widely used by video websites. 2014年开始在中国部分指定影院引入的弹幕其实早已被在线视频网站广泛应用了。 In this case, the bu...

  • 虚拟现实技术有望在2016年爆发

    16-01-07 This year's Consumer Electronics Show will run from January 6 to 9 in the Sin City. 2016年国际消费电子展将于1月6号至9号在拉斯维加斯举行。 More than 3,600 exhibitors will unveil their latest consumer tech products and services. Over 40 companies will...

  • X-Rated Adult Video Rental

    16-01-07 A blonde named Mary decides to do something really wild, something she hasn't done before, so she goes out to rent her first X-rated adult video. She goes to the video store, and after looking around for a while, selects a title that sounds very sti...

  • 韩国禁烟广告遭吸烟者抗议

    15-12-04 Smokers in South Korea are protesting against a new government advert which equates buying cigarettes with buying disease, it's reported. 韩国吸烟者抗议政府新发布的禁烟广告。据报道,这份广告将购买香烟等同于购买疾...

  • 科学家首次观测到行星形成过程

    15-11-20 An international team of scientists in Australia and the United States has captured the first-ever images of a planet in the making. The accumulation of dust and gas particles onto a new planet - the process by which the planet continues to form and...

  • 阿黛尔单曲《Hello》首日浏览量破纪录

    15-11-01 Hello, can you hear me? sang Adele to the world. And the world answered: yes, and we're watching you too. Many many times. 阿黛尔向世界唱响你好,能听到我说话吗?而世界给她的答复是:是的,我们听到了,而且我们也看着你呢,看了很多很多遍。 Adele's video...