• 章子怡出演汪峰《无处安放》MV

    15-08-27 Chinese rocker Wang Feng has released a new song. It's called Nowhere to Belong. 中国摇滚歌手汪峰发布一首新单曲《无处安放》。 Chinese actress Zhang Ziyi, the singer's girlfriend, is featured in the music video. The music video is directed by Zhang Y...

  • blooper 花絮

    15-08-26 A blooper is a short sequence of a film or video production, usually a deleted scene, containing a mistake made by a member of the cast or crew. These bloopers, or outtakes as they are also called, are often the subject of television shows or are oc...

  • 中国公布无人机实弹测试视频

    15-08-21 The Chinese military has released video footage of one of its home-made drones conducting a live-fire missile test. 中国军方公布了一段国产无人机实弹测试的视频。 The footage shows the drone firing 8 different kinds of weapons at various targets. Test...

  • 莫斯科流浪汉街头生活视频成网络热点

    15-07-03 A homeless man is fast becoming an internet sensation with his video blog of life on the streets of Moscow, it's reported. 据报道,一个流浪汉将自己在莫斯科街头的生活制作成视频博客后,迅速成为网络热点。 Yevgeny Yakut moved to the Russian capital in s...

  • 韩国妹子展现惊人卸妆过程

    15-06-08 A little BB cream or even light foundation can go a long way. Throw in some eyeliner and mascara, eyeshadow and face powder, or even the more extreme (but very popular) face contouring, and you can look almost like an entirely different person. 涂一...

  • 李克强向汉诺威电脑展发送视频问候

    15-03-16 Chinese Premier Li Keqiang sent video greetings to the world's largest technology exhibition CeBIT, which opened on Sunday. 中国总理李克强向世界上最大的科技展德国汉诺威电脑展发去视频问候,该展览于周日开幕。 A new round of technological and industria...

  • 加拿大大学热吻招生宣传片引争议

    15-01-28 A Canadian college has come under fire after filming two students kissing against the bookshelves of an on-campus library for a new promotional video that has been likened to a 'beer commercial'. 加拿大一所大学近日推出新的招生宣传片,其中一幕是一对...

  • 鸟叔MV《Gentleman》刷新单日最高点击量

    14-12-09 South Korean singer Psy can't stop breaking Youtube records. 韩国歌手鸟叔无法停止打破Youtube记录的步伐。 File photo of South Korean singer Psy. The video for Gentleman, the K-Pop star's follow-up to his 2012 international hit Gangnam Style, broke th...

  • lifestreaming 生活直播

    14-11-26 Lifestreaming is an online record of a person's daily activities, either via direct video feed or via aggregating the person's online content such as blog posts, social network updates, and online photos. 生活直播是指一个人日常生活的在线纪录,可以通...

  • potato quality 土豆质量

    14-11-11 Potato quality is used to describe low quality videos. 土豆质量被用于描述那种质量很差的视频。 Recorded with a potato is a phrase commonly found in YouTube comments criticizing the resolution of a video that appears heavily pixelated, blurry or other...