• 离婚冷静期2021年起正式施行 家暴不适用

    20-12-08 Under the Civil Code, which comes into effect on Jan 1, couples will have a 30-day cooling-off period after handing their divorce application to the civil affairs department. During the period, either party can withdraw the application. 《中华人民共...

  • 法国公布多项措施打击家暴

    19-11-27 France unveiled Monday new measures to combat violence against women by their partners or ex-partners, seeking to toughen up the law as concerns mount over the number of women killed in the country. 法国于本周一公布了多项新措施,以打击伴侣或前伴侣对...

  • 印度医生接受武术训练 应对医暴事件

    17-05-13 Doctors at one of Delhis top government hospitals will be given daily martial arts training in response to a sharp rise in reports of violence against medical practitioners in India. 印度德里一所顶尖公立医院的医生将接受日常武术训练,以应对针对医务人...

  • mayhem 暴力冲突

    16-06-28 The Euro 2016 game between Russia and England ended with scenes of mayhem on Saturday as scores of Russian fans charged into a section full of rival supporters, throwing missiles, tearing down flags and fighting with anyone who remained in their way...

  • 美国民主党要求表决控枪立法案

    16-06-27 Democrats held a sit-in on the floor of the House of Representatives Wednesday and Thursday to demand a vote on gun control legislation. 美国当地时间周三(6月22日)和周四(6月23日),民主党议员在众议院静坐,要求就控枪立法案进行表决。 Georgia Democra...

  • law against domestic violence 反家暴法

    16-03-07 Chinese top legislature approved the nation's first law against domestic violence on Sunday. 12月27日,全国人大常委会通过了我国首部反家暴法。 反家暴法(law against domestic violence),是中国第一部反对家庭暴力的法规,该法将于2016年3月1日起施行。 家...

  • 奥巴马将推出枪支控制举措

    16-01-05 U.S. President Barack Obama said Monday that he will roll out gun-control initiatives over the next several days, stressing that the measures will be entirely consistent with the constitutional right to bear arms. 本周一,美国总统奥巴马宣布,未来几...

  • 美国加州发生枪击案

    15-12-04 Americans were exposed to the terror of mass gun violence again on Wednesday, this time at a social services center in San Bernardino, California. The initial reports revealed a distressingly familiar pattern: A heavily armed active shooter or shoot...

  • campus violence 校园暴力

    15-10-14 The Supreme People's Court published a list of 67 criminal cases on September 18 which they say is typical of the crimes being committed in schools. The list shows that campus violence is a serious problem nationwide. 18日,最高人民法院发布67起发生...

  • 家庭暴力在同性夫妻间更常见

    14-09-24 Domestic violence occurs at least as frequently, and likely even more so, between same-sex couples compared to opposite-sex couples, according to a review of literature by Northwestern Medicine scientists. Previous studies, when analyzed together, i...