• 尼日利亚49人因参与暴力杀人被判刑

    10-03-11 Nigerian police say 49 people are to be charged with murder after communal violence left scores of villagers dead. 尼日利亚警方称,上周日发生的暴力事件导致大量村民死亡,49名嫌疑犯被判处杀人罪。 Police and troops have stepped up patrols in the area M...

  • 尼日利亚发生种族冲突 数百人丧生

    10-03-09 Hundreds of people, including many women and children, were killed in ethnic violence near the city of Jos in Nigeria at the weekend, officials say. 上周末,尼日利亚乔斯城附近再次发生种族暴力事件,数百人丧生,其中包括很多妇女和儿童。 They said villa...

  • 智利总统呼吁灾民保持镇静

    10-03-03 Chile's president has appealed for calm in the earthquake-ravaged city of Concepcion, vowing a stern response to any renewal of looting and violence. 智利总统呼吁康赛普西翁城的受灾群众保持镇静,并郑重宣告将对任何抢劫、暴力行动采取严厉措施。 Troops a...

  • 国际法庭“必须介入调查乔斯城宗教冲突”

    10-02-02 A Nigerian rights group has urged the International Criminal Court (ICC) to investigate violence between Muslims and Christians in the city of Jos. 一个尼日利亚人权组织呼吁国际刑事法庭介入调查乔斯城穆斯林与基督教徒之间的暴力冲突。 Both mosques and c...

  • 尼日利亚乔斯城发生宗教冲突 死伤惨重

    10-01-20 At least 149 people have been killed during two days of violence between Christian and Muslim gangs in the Nigerian city of Jos, officials say. 尼日利亚城市乔斯,基督教徒与穆斯林教徒发生暴力冲突,持续两天的冲突造成至少149人丧生。 Mosque workers and...

  • 法国:丈夫辱骂妻子将涉嫌违法

    10-01-09 法国今年将实施一部新法,已婚夫妻或者同居伴侣之间如果有恶语相向等心理暴力行为将会受到法律制裁。对于伴侣的外貌反复污辱评价、诬陷伴侣不忠以及暴力威胁等行为均在该法规定的罪名之列。据悉,这部法律是由法国总理提议颁布的,意在保护那些深受家庭暴力之苦的女性...

  • 苏丹南部种族冲突 140人丧生

    10-01-08 At least 140 people have been killed in ethnic clashes in Southern Sudan, officials say, as aid agencies warn that the country faces a return to war. 苏丹南部地区发生种族冲突,至少140人丧生。援助机构发出警告,苏丹面临内战危险。 Nuer and Dinka people...

  • 国际援助机构提醒警惕苏丹内战危险

    10-01-07 Ten international aid groups say a 2005 peace deal in Sudan is on the verge of collapse and that the world must act now to prevent renewed conflict. 十家国际援助组织称,苏丹2005和平协议处于瓦解的边缘,世界必须行动起来以阻止新冲突的产生。 There have...

  • 澳大利亚力保印度留学生人身安全

    10-01-06 The Australian government has played down a travel advisory issued by India warning of the risk of violence against Indian students in Melbourne. 印度政府签发的一项旅行公告中称印度学生在墨尔本有遭遇暴力事件的危险,澳大利亚政府对此表示否认。 Mr Garg...

  • 印度建立特仑甘纳省的支持者发动暴力事件

    09-12-25 The opening day of a two-day strike by the supporters of a new state has brought violence to parts of India's southern Andhra Pradesh state. 印度建立特仑甘纳省支持者举行的两日示威活动的第一天就导致南部安德拉省部分地区发生暴力事件。 The government's...