• 印尼锡纳朋火山即将爆发

    13-12-31 An active volcano in western Indonesia has let out a series of fresh eruptions, forcing around 19,000 people to flee their homes, officials say. 印度尼西亚西部一座活火山出现一系列喷发迹象,迫使附近大约19000人离开家园。 A danger zone is being enforce...

  • 萨尔瓦多一座火山爆发

    13-12-30 Thousands of people in eastern El Salvador are leaving their homes after a volcano erupted on Sunday morning. 上周日上午,萨尔瓦多东部一座火山爆发,数千人被迫离开家园。 Some 300 communities live around the volcano. Residents in the coffee-producing...

  • 南极洲西部冰层之下发现一座阴燃火山

    13-11-18 It wasn't what they were looking for but that only made the discovery all the more exciting. In January 2010 a team of scientists had set up two crossing lines of seismographs(地震仪) across Marie Byrd Land in West Antarctica. It was the first tim...

  • 地球上存在大型单体火山

    13-09-06 A University of Houston (UH) professor led a team of scientists to uncover the largest single volcano yet documented on Earth. Covering an area roughly equivalent to the British Isles or the state of New Mexico, this volcano, dubbed the Tamu Massif,...

  • 南美德科帕韦火山爆发在即

    13-05-28 Chile and Argentina have ordered the evacuation of some 3,000 people living near the Copahue volcano in the south of their shared border. 智利与阿根廷下令疏散在德科帕韦火山附近生活的大约3000名居民。 Residents living near Copahue were also evacuated...

  • 德科帕韦火山喷发在即

    12-12-24 Chile has raised the alert level for the Copahue volcano to red, the highest possible. 智利政府将德科帕韦火山的境界程度提升至红色最大可能性。 The lakes, mountains and thermal spas in the area are popular with tourists from around the world The 3,000...

  • 新西兰汤加里罗火山喷发

    12-11-21 New Zealand's Mount Tongariro has erupted again, having rumbled back to life in August after more than a century of quiet. 新西兰汤加里罗火山再次喷发,它在沉寂了一个多世纪后,自八月份开始偶尔隆隆作响。 Mt Tongariro, pictured just after the eruption...

  • 富果火山即将喷发

    12-09-14 Guatemala has evacuated thousands of people after the Fuego volcano started spewing ash and lava. 富果火山开始喷涌出火山灰与岩浆,危地马拉政府疏散了当地数千人。 Volcanologists said powerful eruptions were catapulting burning rocks as high as 1,000m...

  • 新西兰一座休眠火山突然爆发

    12-08-07 A New Zealand volcano dormant for more than a century has erupted, sending up ash clouds, disrupting flights and closing roads. 新西兰一座休眠超过一个世纪的火山突然喷发,造成大片尘云,使航班扰乱、道路封闭。 The eruption sent ash clouds over the area...

  • 火山活动与水晶生成

    12-05-27 A forensic(法院的,辩论的) approach that links changes deep below a volcano to signals at the surface is described by scientists from the University of Bristol in a paper published May 24 in Science. The research could ultimately help to predict f...