• 研究:女性拥有四个朋友最为适宜

    10-06-05 Two might be company and three a crowd, but it seems four is perfect when it comes to friends. 两个人做伴,三个人结群,但说到有几个朋友合适的问题,四个似乎最理想。 The average woman needs this number at any one time(在任何时候) in her life, a stud...

  • 米歇尔母亲节茶会感谢母亲

    10-05-15 First lady Michelle Obama said Friday that having three generations of family living in the White House and raising her two daughters there is truly special. 美国第一夫人米歇尔奥巴马在上周五的母亲节茶会上称,一家三代能一起生活在白宫,并和母亲一同抚...

  • 研究:男性与美女单独会面有害健康

    10-05-08 Meeting a beautiful woman can be bad for your health, scientists have found. 科研人员日前发现,与美女会面可能有害健康。 Meeting a beautiful woman can be bad for your health, scientists have found. The effects are heightened(提高,升高) in men who...

  • 研究:女人确实可使男人“不顾一切豁出去了”

    10-03-21 Los Angeles, CA (March 18. 2010) The presence of an attractive woman elevates(提升) testosterone(睾丸素) levels and physical risk taking in young men, according to a recent study in the inaugural(就职的,开幕的) issue of Social Psychological a...

  • 一副毕加索油画遭破损

    10-01-26 A woman who was taking an art class at New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art has accidentally fallen into a Picasso painting and damaged it. 一位妇女在纽约大都会艺术博物馆参加艺术课的时候,不小心碰倒一副毕加索作品,该作品因此破损。 The painting shou...

  • 圣诞弥撒中,一女子故意撞倒教皇

    09-12-25 The Pope has celebrated the traditional Christmas Mass, despite being knocked down by a woman at the start of the service in St Peter's Basilica. 罗马教皇在圣彼得大教堂举行圣诞弥撒,尽管开始的时候被一位妇女撞倒,但是他仍然继续进行庆祝活动。 A woman...

  • 塞拉利昂一位妇女被禁止出任酋长

    09-12-16 Members of a Sierra Leone traditional group have besieged a woman's house and stopped her from going home after she launched a legal bid to become a chief. 塞拉利昂一个传统组织成员包围了一位妇女的房子并阻止她回家,此前她曾发起成为酋长的合法申请。 El...

  • 诺贝尔经济学奖首位女性得主诞生

    09-10-17 北京时间10月12日,瑞典皇家科学院公布,美国经济学家艾利诺奥斯特罗姆和奥利弗E威廉姆森获得2009年诺贝尔经济学奖,以表彰他们对经济管理行为的卓越分析,尤其是奥斯特罗姆对公共经济管理行为的贡献和威廉姆森对企业边界经济管理的分析。这是今年最后揭幕的诺贝尔奖,...

  • Indonesian woman gives birth to 8.7 kilo boy 印尼妇女产下16

    09-09-27 A three-day-old baby boy, weighing 8.7-kilograms (19.2-pounds) left, lays next to a standard size newborn baby at a hospital in Kisaran, North Sumatra, Indonesia, Thursday, Sept. 24, 2009. An Indonesian woman gave birth to the 62-centimeter (24.4 in...

  • Birth drugs 'cut breastfeeding' 催产药物对母乳喂养不利

    09-09-02 Drugs commonly used to treat bleeding after birth may hamper a woman's ability to breastfeed her baby, research suggests. 研究显示,治疗产后出血的药物可能会妨碍女人母乳喂养的能力。 Experts believe breastfeeding is good for mother and baby The study,...