• 日本金融大臣因婚外情自杀

    12-09-17 Japan's financial services minister died in an apparent suicide two days before a tabloid magazine was set to reveal claims the married 73-year-old was involved with another woman, reports said Tuesday. 据媒体周二报道,日本金融事务担当大臣松下忠洋疑...

  • 默克尔被评全世界最有权势的女性

    12-09-01 Forbes magazine ranked German Chancellor Angela Merkel the most powerful woman in the world for the second year in a row in the annual list dominated by politicians, businesswomen and media figures. 《福布斯》杂志将德国总理安格拉默克尔评为全世界最有...

  • 加拿大某女子拍婚纱照时溺水身亡

    12-08-27 A Canadian woman has drowned during a photoshoot as she posed in her wedding dress in water at a Quebec park. 一名加拿大女子在魁北克公园水中拍摄婚纱照的时候溺水身亡。 Estate agent Maria Pantazopoulos, 30, was apparently pulled under the water when h...

  • 笑里藏刀

    12-08-27 There was a minister named Li Yifu during the Tang Dynasty (618-907). He was good at flattering(奉承的) people. So his official position was raised higher and higher. At last, he was made the prime minister. He was a vicious(恶毒的) man. When he...

  • The Fairy Lilies

    12-08-14 Once upon a time there was a good old woman who lived in a little house. She had in her garden a bed of beautiful trumpet(喇叭状的) lilies. One night she was wakened by the sounds of sweet singing and of babies laughing. She looked out at the wind...

  • Alpha-wife 阿尔法老婆

    12-08-08 Alpha-wives emerge when more than 50 percent of all households in the USA have a woman as its prime breadwinner. 如今美国超过半数的家庭中,女人才是主要的经济支柱,这样的女人就是阿尔法老婆。 Sociologist Catherine Bartlett says the alpha-wife has begu...

  • freemale 自由女

    12-08-02 A freemale is a woman who opts for a single life, valuing friendships rather than pursuing extended romantic relationships. Some freemales also choose to live childfree, choosing not to have children for a variety of reasons, while others decide to...

  • 金正恩身边出现神秘女性引猜测

    12-07-10 A mystery woman seen attending events with North Korea's Kim Jong-un has led to speculation in South Korean media about her identity. 朝鲜一名神秘的女性与金正恩共同出席活动,引发了媒体对其身份的猜测。 Could the woman be Kim Jong-uns wife... The woma...

  • Guaranteed visits 有保证的探望

    12-06-26 An elderly woman from Brooklyn decided to prepare her will and make her final requests. She told her rabbi(法师,教士) she had two final requests. First, she wanted to be cremated(火葬) , and second, she wanted her ashes scattered over Bloomingd...

  • 全球十大“美女之都”揭晓

    12-06-22 Travelers Digest's Top Ten Cities With The Most Beautiful Woman says Kiev is 'without a doubt, home to the world's most beautiful women'. 《游客文摘》近日评选出全球十大美女之都,乌克兰基辅毫无疑问地傲居榜首。 Ukrainian born actress Mila Kunis who st...