日期:2007-10-30 (42)At the Doctor's Office 在医生诊所 It's usually best to go to a doctor that someones has recommended. In an emergency, you should go directly to the emergency entrance of the nearest hospital. Medical services in the United States are generally... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-30 (43)At the Dentist's Office 在牙医诊所 Dental work is usually quite expensive. Appointments are usually made far in advance, but many dentists will try to fit you if you have an urgent problem. 牙医行业通常索价高昂,而且看牙医一般都老早预约。 但是... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-30 (44)At a Drugstore 在药房 If you are talking medication regularly, you should take what you need with you when you travel. You should also bring a copy of any prescription that you are taking since many drugs are only available by prescription. Dr... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-30 Pay a compliment to someone赞美某人 1. I must say it is really good. 我不得不承认它非常棒。 2. I admire you for your bravery. 我敬佩你的勇气。 3. You're looking fine/nice. 你看上去很好/很美。 4. You don't look your age. 你看上去比实际年龄年轻。 5. Y... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-30 1. Can I talk to you right now? 我现在可以跟妳谈一谈吗? 2. You got a minute? 你有空吗? 3. Can I have a word with you? 我可以跟你谈一下吗? 4. I need to talk to you.我需要跟你谈一谈。来源:考试大 5. May I have a little talk with you? 我可以跟你... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-30 9. A:Are you ready tosgroupsnow? 你们准备要点菜了吗? A:Would you like tosgroupsnow?/May I take your order? 现在点菜吗? B:Yes, I'll have the roast chicken dinner. 我要烤鸡套餐。 10. A:What's todays specialty? 今天的特色菜是什么? B:It's F... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-30 Reservation 预约 1. A:Have you a table for two? 有两人桌吗? Has this table been reserved? 这张桌子有人预定吗? I want to make a reservation for three at 7∶00. 我要预定7点的三个人的座位。 Does it get crowded here?来源:考试大 这里人很多吗? Aro... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-30 A:I really must be going now. B:But you just got here. Can't you stay a little longer? A:That's very nice of you,but I really can't. B Well,it's too bad(遗憾)that you have to go. A:Thanks very much. It was a great /lovely party! B:It was... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-30 What can you say when you want to encourage people to keep talking to you?Try making comments or asking questions. If you do this,you show the other person that you are interested in what they are saying. Here are some examples of what you can say... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-30 Dialogue A (A:Operator B:Lin Ping) A:Operator.How can I help you? B:Yes.The connection was bad.There was a lot of echo and Icouldn't hear well,will you put me through again? A:I'm awfully sorry for the trouble.I'll connect you again. (A f... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-30 CORINNE: Wow! It's 8:45. If we want to buy some beer, we should go now. ALEX: Why? The party doesn't start until 10:30. CORINNE: Yes. But the liquor stores stop selling alcohol at 9:00. ALEX: Really? All the liquor stores? CORINNE: Yes.... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-30 STEVE: What do you want to do tomorrow night? KAREN: Whatis tomorrow night something special? STEVE: It's Friday. We should go party. KAREN: I don't need to drink every weekend. I could be happy just staying home, you know. STEVE: Okay. Stay... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-30 DORIS: Oh, my God! I can't believe how they fly through the air! KEN: Isn't it wild? DORIS: I think it looks too dangerous. People must get killed all the time. KEN: Actually, people get hurt pretty often. But no one has ever gotten killed... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-30 DARREN: So, you have three days off. What are you going to do? SCOTT: I don't know. Probably I'm just going to hang around here and relax. DARREN: Watch MTV, huh? SCOTT: Not just MTV. I will probably rent some movies with Sylvia. We'll order... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-30 EMILY: I want to ask you about something. ANNA: Yes? EMILY: My colleagues at work say I should get health insurance. What do you think? ANNA: I think it's important. I can give you my insurance agent's card if you want. EMILY: But I'm not sur... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-30 莱斯特因为受不了上司的欺压,愤然辞职。然而回到家中,却得不到妻子的体谅。于是一场餐桌战越演越烈,油盐酱醋,什么挖苦讽刺都在这段对话中,听来有盐有味,很丰富。 单词通缉令 1. blackmail vt.勒索 2. asparagus n.芦笋 3. Mason jar 玻璃瓶罐 4. sink n.洗涤槽;... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-30 另一人家,同样的情形,大家都在作餐前祈祷。 单词通缉令 1. exchange n.交换;调换 2. measles n.麻疹;风疹 3. reservation n.隐藏;缄默 4. casino n.赌场,赌博游戏 Girl: Turkey. Woman 1: And now it's your turn. Woman 2: Well, I guess I'm most thankful... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-30 感恩节晚餐,一家大小欢聚一起,按传统,美食前每人都需祈祷,说出自己的感恩祷辞。且看这一家大小到底都说些什么。 单词通缉令 1. tolerant a.容许的;容忍的 2. celebrate vt. 庆祝;祝贺 3. harmony n.和谐;协调 4. playoff n. 加时赛 5. telescope n.望远镜 Woman... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-30 威尔经营着一家餐馆,一天不期遇见了以前女友的母亲,女友母亲在给外孙女过生日,于是把威尔介绍给孙女和她的同学朋友们。 单词通缉令 1. chum n.密友 2. irresistible a.不可抵抗的 3. overpriced a. 昂贵的 4. establishment n.建立的机构 5. beet n. 甜菜 6. buck n... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-10-30 深夜的街头,威尔喝得醉意熏熏,好朋友约翰紧追其后,颇有些不放心他的举止,并且试图探寻个中原因。这种一问一答显得随意亲切,没有通常在课本中学到的文学意味,值得借鉴。 单词通缉令 1. ringer n. 电话响铃 2. get v. 明白 3. hang out 闲逛 4. quit n.退出,停止... 阅读全文>> |