日期:2008-12-13 虽然大部分的国家都在使用英文,但由于各国的历史背景和文化积淀的差异,各个国家对于英文简历的要求还是有所不同,下文将为我们作具体介绍: (一)在英语语言国家 应在简历开头就明确写出求职目标,写上一些精确的信息、具体的时间以及体现你特定方面能力的具体数字,... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-13 简历的首页(Cover Letter)应该是你的自我介绍,以及说明你是所应聘公司职位最佳人选的有力论证。要避免把你的首页做成流传的最普通的那种样式。 When writing your cover letter, keep in mind that the reviewer is only interested in one thing: the facts. Do no... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-13 正所谓好聚好散,即使你要辞职,也要以一种礼貌的方式向老板提出。 1. My reason for leaving my present employment is that I am desirous of getting broader experience in trading. 本人离职的理由:希望在贸易方面能获得更广泛的经验。 2. My reason for leaving... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-13 日常办公中经常遇到的一些办公用语,你知道它的英文表示吗?下面介绍一些这样的短语和用语。 punch the time clock ( 打卡 ) punch in (out) (上/下班打卡 ) confirm the day's schedule ( 确认一天的工作表 ) staple the documents together ( 把文件钉在一起 ) punch... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-13 梅和托尼为公司找到了合适的代理商。在签订合作协议后,他们共进晚餐以示庆祝。遗憾的是,这次晚餐可谓劫难重重。 1) (W= Waiter T= Tony M = May, A = Anita) W: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Do you have a reservation? 晚上好,女士们先生们。你们有预定... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-13 梅和托尼为公司找到了合适的代理商。在签订合作协议后,代理商请他们共进晚餐以示庆祝。 1) (W= Waiter T= Tony M = May, A = Anita) W: Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Do you have a reservation? 晚上好,女士们先生们,你们有预定吗? T: Yes we do, in the... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-13 梅和托尼今天遇到的客户都比较棘手 (M = May, T = Tony, C1= Customer1) 1) T: Hello, can I help you? 你好,需要帮忙吗? C1: Er, yes, young man. I want a holiday in Scotland please. I got this brochure yesterday and I want to book today. 呃,是的,年轻... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-13 在展位上,有位顾客向梅咨询旅游事务,打算预定旅游 (M = May, C1= Customer1) M: Hello, can I help you? 你好,需要帮忙吗? C1: Er, yes, I took a brochure yesterday and now I'd like to book a holiday please. 呃,是的。我昨天拿了一本宣传册,现在我想 M: OK... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-13 托尼的工作显然做得不好,因此在汇报时少不了被老板责难。 (T = Tony, B= boss) T: Hello, it's Tony, in Manchester. 你好,我是托尼,曼彻斯特。 B: Oh, hello Tony. How's the exhibition? Is it going well? 你好,托尼。展会怎么样?一切都顺利吗? T: Er, no, no... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-13 在和代理商谈过后,梅向总部汇报了一下工作,目前的谈判还是比较顺利的。 (M = May, B = Boss) 1) M: Hello, it's May, in Manchester. 你好,我是梅,曼彻斯特。 B: Hello May. How's the exhibition going? Is the stand busy? Are you selling many holidays? 你好... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-12 找到了有意向的代理商后,梅和托尼和代理商讨论要开展的业务和佣金问题。 (T = Tony, M = May, W = Wayne) T: Well, thank you for coming, Wayne. As you know, we're looking for an agent in Britain to help us to sell our holidays. Perhaps we should start by... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-12 找到了有意向的代理商后,梅和托尼和代理商讨论要开展的业务和佣金问题。 (T = Tony, M = May, A = Anita) M: Anita, thanks for coming. Perhaps we should start by telling you what we are looking for, and then you can tell us what you think, ok? 安妮塔,谢... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-12 托尼在寻找代理商的时候显然进行的不太顺利。 (B = Businesswoman, T = Tony) T: Excuse me. I work for a company called 'Comfort Tours' and... 打扰了。我是舒适旅行公司的 B: Er, just a moment. Yes, can I help you now? 呃,稍等一下。需要帮忙吗? T: Yes, er... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-12 按照老板的指示,梅需要为公司在英国找一家代理商。 (M = May, B= Businessman) M: Excuse me. I work for 'Comfort Tours' 打扰一下。我是舒适旅行公司的。 B: Good morning, yes. How can I help you? 早上好。需要帮忙吗? M: Em, we're looking for a British comp... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-12 梅和托尼就展会的进行向老板汇报工作,这天可是很糟糕。 (C =Customer, T = Tony, M = May, B = Boss) C: Excuse me? C:打扰了。 M: Hello. Can I help you? M:你好,有什么需要吗? C: Er, no. Can you tell me where the toilets are, please? C:哦,不是。你知道... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-12 梅和托尼就展会的进行向老板汇报工作,这是顺利的一天。 (C =Customer, T = Tony, M = May, B=Boss) M: Hello. Can I help you? Are you interested in holidays in Latin America? M:你好,有什么需要吗?您对去拉丁美洲度假有兴趣吗? C: Hello, yes. I'm intereste... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-12 不是所有的时候事情都能进行的很顺利的,比如这次梅和托尼来登记会展 (CA =Conference Assistant, T = Tony, M = May) M: Good morning. Er, we've come to register for the conference. I'm May Hunter and this is my colleague, Tony Marshall. M:早上好。我们是... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-12 梅和托尼去参加展会。他们来到展会登记处办理手续。令他们高兴的是,事情进行的很顺利。 (CA =Conference Assistant, T = Tony, M = May) CA: Good morning. Can I help you? CA:早上好。需要帮忙吗? M: Yes, good morning. Er, well, we've come to register for th... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-12 出差在外,到宾馆登记,如果顺利还好,如果不顺利,那可就糟糕了。 R: Good morning. Can I help you? R:早上好。我能为您做些什么吗? T: Good morning. I think there should be two rooms booked for us? In the names of Tony Marshall and May Hunter. T:早上好... 阅读全文>> 日期:2008-12-12 人在职场,出差是难免的事。到了外地,首先要做的事情就是要去宾馆登记。我们来学习一下宾馆登记的英文表达。 R = receptionist, T = Tony, M = May R: Good morning. Can I help you? R:早上好!我能为您做些什么吗? T: Good morning. I think there should be two... 阅读全文>> |