日期:2009-08-02 A urine test can diagnose the sexually transmitted infection chlamydia in men within an hour, enabling on-the-spot treatment. 一个尿样检测一小时之内就可以诊断出衣原体性别传输感染,使当场治疗成为可能。 Chlamydia is the most common sexually transmitte... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-08-02 Astronomers are puzzled by a strange bright spot which has appeared in the clouds of Venus. 宇航员被金星云层上出现的奇怪的光点困惑了。 The existence of the spot was confirmed by Venus Express The spot was first identified by an amateur(业余的) ast... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-08-02 The space shuttle Endeavour has safely landed at Florida's Kennedy Space Center, ending a 16-day mission to the International Space Station (ISS). 奋力号航天飞机安全降落在佛罗里达州肯尼迪航天中心,结束了为期16天的国际空间站任务。 The exposed facilit... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-07-30 An international team of scientists has agreed on a standard DNA barcode for plants that will allow botanists to identify species quickly and easily. 一组国际科学家为植物制定了统一的DNA条码,这将帮助植物学家更快、更简单地区分物种。 There are an esti... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-07-30 Organic food is no healthier than ordinary food, a large independent review has concluded. 一项大的独立审查得出结论,有机食品并不比普通食品更健康。 More than 50 studies were included in the review There is little difference in nutritional value and... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-07-30 A rocket has been launched from Kazakhstan carrying two British-built satellites which will help monitor natural disasters. 哈萨克斯坦发射一颗装有两台英国制造卫星的火箭,这将用于帮助检测自然灾害。 The satellites were launched atop a converted Soviet... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-07-29 美国最大的洋葱加工商Gills Onions上周五推出了一个新的发电系统,可以将洋葱汁转换为电能。据悉,这种用洋葱发电的新系统有望每年为该公司节省70万美元的电费,还可为公司减少高达三万吨的温室气体排放。公司合伙人表示,这一想法最初源于如何处理洋葱废料这个令人头... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-07-29 患有白内障的狮子、长颈鹿、老虎和熊等动物们不用再忍受眼前黑暗的痛苦了,德国一家公司最近专为它们研制出了一款隐形眼镜。该公司兽医部负责人表示,对动物来说,白内障就意味着失明。而由于动物寿命相对较短,失明会让它们丧失更多的生活体验。虽然此项定制服务及后... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-07-28 Children who eat plenty of dairy foods such as milk and cheese can expect to live longer, a study suggests. 一项研究建议,经常使用牛奶、奶酪等乳制品的儿童可以更长寿。 Milk is a good source of calcium Some 4,374 UK children from a 1930s study were tr... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-07-28 A replacement for the black and white stripes of the traditional barcode has been outlined by US researchers. 黑白码和传统条码的替代品已经被美国研究人员研制出来。 Bokodes (centre) are much smaller than traditional barcodes Bokodes, as they are known... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-07-27 Some iced coffees being sold on the high street contain as many calories as a hot dinner, a cancer charity warns. 一个癌症协会警告道,许多大街上卖的冰咖啡的卡路里含量跟一顿热的正餐差不多。 For every Starbucks\'s Venti Dark Berry Mocha Frappuchino...... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-07-27 High blood pressure is picked up less often in people who smoke, despite them being at higher risk of heart disease, research suggests. 研究建议,抽烟的人患高血压的几率较小,尽管他们患心脏病的危险很大。 High blood pressure increases heart attack and... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-07-24 A high intake of polyunsaturated fat in the diet, while good for the heart, may lead to inflammatory bowel disease, say researchers. 研究人员称,饮食中多不饱和脂肪的大量摄入有利于心脏,但却可能导致肠道疾??Some margarines contain linoleic acid Expe... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-07-24 Scientists say they have found a new way to mend damage to the heart. 科学家称他们已经发现了心脏修复的一种新方法。 It was thought adult heart muscle cells could not divide When cells turn into fully-formed adult heart muscle they stop dividing, and... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-07-24 For centuries, scientists have puzzled over why the toucan's bill is so remarkably large - but now one team thinks it might have an answer. 几个世纪以来,科学家被犀鸟巨大的喙所迷惑,但是现在一组团队认为他们找到了答案。 As the surroundings heat up, t... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-07-24 A UK firm that turns mobile messages into text faces questions over its privacy standards, technology and finances following a BBC investigation. 一项BBC调查显示,一家将语音短信转换成文字信息的英国企业面临隐私标准、科技和财政等一系列的质疑。 Spinvox... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-07-24 A company that provides instant-on computing will bring instant search to the PC for the first time. 一家可以提供瞬时计算的公司将第一次为电脑带来瞬时搜索。 The software claims to have users searching in seconds Splashtop, made by DeviceVM, already l... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-07-24 A system that can deliver power to devices without the need for wires has been shown off at a hi-tech conference. 一个高科技展会上,一套无线供电系统亮相。 Magnetic fields interact with everyday objects less than electric fields The technique exploit... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-07-23 Researchers have confirmed what parents have long believed - running around in the day means your child may well fall asleep faster at night. 研究人员证实了父母们长期以来相信的一件事:孩子白天出去玩一天意味着晚上可以快速入睡。 He may not have had en... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-07-23 A detailed, functional artificial human brain can be built within the next 10 years, a leading scientist has claimed. 一位领导性的科学家宣称,一个详细的、机能完整的人工大脑将在未来的十年内被制造出来。 The team are trying to reverse engineer the brai... 阅读全文>>

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