24-01-29 Five SECOND MURDERER? Mrs. Lorrimer came into the dining room like a gentlewoman. She looked a little pale, butcomposed. Im sorry to have to bother you, Superintendent Battle began. You must do your duty, of course, said Mrs. Lorrimer quietly. It is...
24-01-29 Four FIRST MURDERER? Hercule Poirot, Mrs. Oliver, Colonel Race and Superintendent Battle sat round the dining roomtable. It was an hour later. The body had been examined, photographed and removed. A fingerprintexpert had been and gone. Superintenden...
24-01-29 II Five diamonds. Game and rubber, said Colonel Race. Good for you, partner, he said to Poirot. I didnt think youd do it. Lucky they didnt lead aspade. Wouldnt have made much difference, I expect, said Superintendent Battle, a man of gentlemagnanimi...
24-01-29 Three A GAME OF BRIDGE When the company returned to the drawing room a bridge table had been set out. Coffee washanded round. Who plays bridge? asked Mr. Shaitana. Mrs. Lorrimer, I know. And Dr. Roberts. Do youplay, Miss Meredith? Yes. Im not fright...
24-01-29 Two DINNER AT MR. SHAITANAS The door of Mr. Shaitanas flat opened noiselessly. A grey-haired butler drew it back to let Poirotenter. He closed it equally noiselessly and deftly relieved the guest of his overcoat and hat. He murmured in a low express...
24-01-29 One MR. SHAITANA My dear M. Poirot! It was a soft purring voicea voice used deliberately as an instrumentnothing impulsive orpremeditated about it. Hercule Poirot swung round. He bowed. He shook hands ceremoniously. There was something in his eye th...
24-01-29 Cards on the Table: A Hercule Poirot Mystery 底牌 Foreword There is an idea prevalent that a detective story is rather like a big racea number of starterslikely horses and jockeys. You pays your money and you takes your choice! The favourite is bycom...
24-01-29 II It was a month later that Jane came to Poirot. I ought to hate you, M. Poirot. She looked pale and fine drawn with dark circles round her eyes. Poirot said gently: Hate me a little if you will. But I think you are one of those who would rather lo...
24-01-29 Chapter 26 After Dinner Speech The next day Poirot left Paris. Jane stayed behind with a list of duties to perform. Most of theseseemed singularly meaningless to her, but she carried them out to the best of her powers. She sawJean Dupont twice. He m...
24-01-29 Chapter 25 I Am Afraid This sudden revelation had an almost stunning effect on the three people sitting round theluncheon table. It opened up an entirely new aspect of the case. Instead of being a person wholly remote from the tragedy, Anne Morisot...