24-01-29 Ten THE EVIDENCE OF THE ITALIAN And now, said Poirot with a twinkle in his eye, we will delight the heart of M. Bouc and seethe Italian. Antonio Foscarelli came into the dining car with a swift, catlike tread. His face beamed. It was atypical Italia...
24-01-29 Nine THE EVIDENCE OF MR. HARDMAN The last of the first-class passengers to be interviewedMr. Hardmanwas the big flamboyantAmerican who had shared a table with the Italian and the valet. He wore a somewhat loud check suit, a pink shirt, a flashy tiep...
24-01-29 Eight THE EVIDENCE OF COLONEL ARBUTHNOT Poirot roused himself with a slight start. His eyes twinkled a little as they met the eager ones of M. Bouc. Ah! my dear old friend, he said. You see, I have become what they call the snob! The first-class, I...
24-01-29 Seven THE EVIDENCE OF COUNT AND COUNTESS ANDRENYI Count and Countess Andrenyi were next summoned. The Count, however, entered the dining caralone. There was no doubt that he was a fine-looking man seen face to face. He was at least six feet inheight...
24-01-29 Six THE EVIDENCE OF THE RUSSIAN PRINCESS Let us hear what Pierre Michel has to say about this button, he said. The Wagon Lit conductor was recalled. He looked at them inquiringly. M. Bouc cleared his throat. Michel, he said. Here is a button from yo...
24-01-29 Five THE EVIDENCE OF THE SWEDISH LADY M. Bouc was handling the button Mrs. Hubbard had left behind her. This button. I cannot understand it. Does it mean that, after all, Pierre Michel is involved insome way? he said. He paused, then continued, as P...
24-01-29 Four THE EVIDENCE OF THE AMERICAN LADY Mrs. Hubbard arrived in the dining car in such a state of breathless excitement that she was hardlyable to articulate her words. Now just tell me this. Whos in authority here? Ive got some vurry important infor...
24-01-29 Three THE EVIDENCE OF THE VALET The American was succeeded by the pale Englishman with the inexpressive face whom Poirot hadalready noticed on the day before. He stood waiting very correctly. Poirot motioned to him to sitdown. You are, I understand,...
24-01-29 Two THE EVIDENCE OF THE SECRETARY For a minute or two Poirot remained lost in thought. I think, he said at last, that it would be well to have a further word with M. MacQueen, inview of what we now know. The young American appeared promptly. Well, h...
24-01-29 PART TWO THE EVIDENCE One THE EVIDENCE OF THE WAGON LIT CONDUCTOR In the restaurant car all was in readiness. Poirot and M. Bouc sat together on one side of a table. The doctor sat across the aisle. On the table in front of Poirot was a plan of the...