24-01-29 Chapter 6 Consultation Hercule Poirot rejoined his friend Inspector Japp. The latter had a grin on his face. Hullo, old boy, he said. Youve had a pretty near squeak of being locked up in a police cell. I fear, said Poirot gravely, that such an occur...
24-01-29 Chapter 5 After the Inquest As Jane left the court after the verdict she found Norman Gale beside her. He said, I wonder what was on that paper that the coroner wouldnt have at any price? I can tell you, I think, said a voice behind him. The couple...
24-01-29 Chapter 4 The Inquest The inquest on Marie Morisot was held four days later. The sensational manner of her death hadaroused great public interest, and the coroners court was crowded. The first witness called was a tall elderly Frenchman with a grey...
24-01-29 Chapter 3 Croydon The steward and the doctor were no longer in charge of the situation. Their place was usurped bythe rather absurd-looking little man in the mufflers. He spoke with an authority and a certainty ofbeing obeyed that no one thought of...
24-01-29 Chapter 2 Discovery Henry Mitchell, the senior of the two stewards, passed swiftly from table to table depositing bills. In half an hours time they would be at Croydon. He gathered up notes and silver, bowed, said,Thank you, sir. Thank you, Madam. A...
24-01-29 Death in the Clouds: A Hercule Poirot Mystery 云中命案 Chapter 1 Paris to Croydon The September sun beat down hotly on Le Bourget aerodrome as the passengers crossed theground and climbed into the air liner Prometheus, due to depart for Croydon in a...
24-01-29 Nine POIROT PROPOUNDS TWO SOLUTIONS The passengers came crowding into the restaurant car and took their seats round the tables. Theyall bore more or less the same expression, one of expectancy mingled with apprehension. TheSwedish lady was still wee...
24-01-29 Eight FURTHER SURPRISING REVELATIONS Nothing would surprise me now, said M. Bouc. Nothing! Even if everybody in the train provedto have been in the Armstrong household I should not express surprise. That is a very profound remark, said Poirot. Would...
24-01-29 Seven THE IDENTITY OF MARY DEBENHAM She wore no hat. Her head was thrown back as though in defiance. The sweep of her hair backfrom her face, the curve of her nostril suggested the figurehead of a ship plunging gallantly into arough sea. In that mom...
24-01-29 Six A SECOND INTERVIEW WITH COLONEL ARBUTHNOT Colonel Arbuthnot was clearly annoyed at being summoned to the dining car for a secondinterview. His face wore a most forbidding expression as he sat down and said: Well? All my apologies for troubling y...