22-09-23 智能手机时代,各类app不断涌现。除了常见的游戏娱乐类程序以外,如今不少医生也开始通过app提供医疗保健方法,远程帮助病患减轻痛苦,这样的应用程序药方就叫appscription。 Digital technologies are the new medicine, as doctors and physicians turn to health ap...
22-09-19 ● 重视婴儿阶段的食物摄入。父母过敏的东西,给婴儿初次接触时需适当控制、观察,但不能绝对禁止;尽量母乳(breast milk)喂养,加入辅食时,不要一次性加入多种食物,以便及时明确是哪种食物导致的过敏。 Breastfeed your baby. Breastfeeding may reduce the risk...
22-08-23 研究发现,感染过新冠病毒的人在康复两年后,确诊脑雾、痴呆、精神错乱等疾病的风险依然更高。感染德尔塔毒株和奥密克戎毒株的患者出现这些神经系统疾病和精神疾病的几率更大。 Millions of people who have had Covid-19 still face a higher risk of neurological an...
22-08-02 9. I should require a commencing salary of 3000 yuan a month. 我需要的薪金起点是每个月3000元。 10. I should require that your company provide me with an apartment. 本人要求贵公司给我提供一套单元房。 11. My present job pays 150,000 yuan a year, in ad...
22-07-28 哈佛大学的一项研究发现,每周进行五小时以上的高强度运动无法获得更多益处,对于避免过早死亡没有帮助。这项对10万名美国人为期30年的研究分析了运动如何影响一个人的死亡风险。研究发现,每周进行75分钟的剧烈运动(每周建议剧烈运动量)可以将死于心血管疾病的风险...
22-07-28 世界卫生组织7月23日宣布,在多个国家和地区发生的猴痘疫情已构成国际关注的突发公共卫生事件。这是世卫组织发布的最高级别警报。世卫组织总干事谭德塞指出,尽管目前猴痘疫情影响国际交通的风险仍然很低,但其在国际进一步传播的风险明显存在。 The monkeypox outbrea...
22-07-22 对他人说 谢谢 是好事,不过这对你自己也有好处吗?有研究显示,懂得感恩对我们的身体和精神健康都有积极的影响,对我们的人际关系也有好处。 Gratitude is more than just saying thank you to someone who has helped us or given us a gift. Gratitude is a deeper...
22-07-22 One morning Philip on getting up felt his head swim, and going back to bed suddenly discovered he was ill. All his limbs ached and he shivered with cold. When the landlady brought in his breakfast he called to her through the open door that he was n...
22-07-22 Philip worked well and easily; he had a good deal to do, since he was taking in July the three parts of the First Conjoint examination, two of which he had failed in before; but he found life pleasant. He made a new friend. Lawson, on the lookout fo...
22-07-18 国家卫生健康委员会12日发布的《2021年我国卫生健康事业发展统计公报》显示,我国居民人均预期寿命由2020年的77.93岁提高到2021年的78.2岁,孕产妇死亡率从16.9/10万下降到16.1/10万,婴儿死亡率从5.4下降到5.0。 The average life expectancy in China rose to 78.2 y...