22-04-08 1. gain / put on weight 大家都知道英语中的减肥是 lose weight,那么长胖自然而然就是 gain weight 或 put on weight. Thats terrible for your health. Its easy to gain weight that way. 那对你的健康很不好。那样很容易长胖。 Chocolate does contain large quan...
22-03-22 它们的词义相似,但是用法不同:ill更常用在正式语境下,描述一种长期性的疾病;而sick则没那么正式,通常用来描述急症或小病症。 如果是反胃恶心,想要呕吐,要用sick。在书写领域,美国人更常用没那么正式的sick,而英国人偏好使用正式的ill。 sick可以用来修饰名词...
22-03-22 近日TikTok上流行起了用公厕烘手机给头发做造型的新潮流,对此一位医学博士生表示,烘手机是滋生细菌的温床,烘手都嫌脏,更别说用来烘头发了。 An M.D. candidate explained why you should never use those automatic hand dryers in public bathrooms. 一位在读医学...
22-03-11 1. be (as) fit as a fiddle 非常健康 黄老板在《Galway Girl》里唱到: She played the fiddle in an Irish band. 她在一支爱尔兰乐队演奏小提琴。 有人说,小提琴是乐器中的贵族,所以要精心保养才行。 由此可知,和小提琴一样fit(健壮的,健康的),就是非常健康的...
22-02-22 你有没有感到闷得发慌的时候?工作太辛苦会让人身心俱疲,但专家指出,长期感到无聊也会危害健康,让人产生倦怠感。 How bored are you? Having nothing to do, or doing the same task again and again, can certainly be demotivating. And if boredom persists, you...
22-01-21 自去年12月以来,加拿大疫情开始直线反弹,病例呈现爆发式增长,在死亡人数最多的魁北克地区,医疗资源非常紧张,而且重症监护室中的新冠患者近半数都没有接种疫苗。为此魁北克政府决定,将对省内所有拒绝接种新冠疫苗的人征收一笔健康税。 The Canadian province of Q...
22-01-21 你也许只是觉得今年的冬天比往年暖和了一点,但实际上全球变暖的危害远远超出你的想象。全球变暖会摧毁珊瑚礁,导致生物灭绝,造成农作物歉收,如今新研究发现,全球变暖还会导致早产和婴幼儿肥胖,并降低怀孕率。 The climate crisis is damaging the health of foetu...
22-01-21 伴随着疫情,我们又跨入了新的一年。许久没有机会放飞心情的人们,难免感到烦躁和抑郁,这些负面情绪和心理压力要如何排解呢?专家给出了5个建议。 1. Practice the STOP skill. 学会叫停 This is a savvy strategy shared by Dr. Sabrina Romanoff, clinical psycholo...
22-01-04 In the pink 的意思是身体健康。 例句 Ive had a rough few months, but Im happy to say that Im back in the pink of health again. Shes 87 but shes still in the pink! Our profits are down on last years but were optimistic that by year-end well be in the...
21-12-20 顶尖心理学家警告说,性别偏见使许多患有注意缺陷多动障碍(又称多动症)的女性无法被确诊。 Research suggests ADHD is three to four times more likely to be detected in childhood in boys as they tend to exhibit more disruptive behaviours. 研究表明,多动症...