21-02-08 在英国及世界各地,有很多人都感到忧伤和抑郁。为改善这一心理状态,不少人会选择服用有潜在副作用的抗抑郁药物。其实,还有其它在不服药的情况下可以让你心情变好的替代方法。这些方法包括游泳、与人行善和人工智能技术等。 It affects one in six people in England...
21-02-07 外交部发言人汪文斌2月3日表示,中国已正式加入新冠疫苗实施计划,并同世卫组织等发起方保持密切沟通,为把疫苗作为全球公共产品、实现发展中国家的可及性和可负担性而共同努力。 At the request of the World Health Organization (WHO), China has decided to provid...
21-01-29 北京市政府新闻发言人徐和建在1月27日的疫情防控发布会上通报称,春节前后这段特定时间,充分考虑境内外疫情严峻复杂形势、人流增加的疫情传播风险,北京分级分类采取相对从严从紧的防控措施。 From Jan 28 to March 15, travelers from domestic low-risk areas must...
21-01-28 在黑暗寒冷的冬季,我们喜欢吃一些让人开心的食物。比如,甜食、热乎、温性的饭菜,因为它们会让我们有饱腹感,从而御寒。但我们为什么在一年中其它时间,也喜欢享用含碳水化合物多、高糖的食品?本文讨论人们喜欢安慰食物的原因。 Warning! This article could be bad...
21-01-25 国家卫生健康委员会疾控局监察专员王斌在1月20日国务院联防联控机制新闻发布会上表示,返乡人员要持有7日以内的核酸阴性检测证明,才能够返乡。 According to a notice released on the website of the National Health Commission, people returning to rural areas s...
21-01-12 After consultation with the National Health Commission, an international expert team of the World Health Organization (WHO) will arrive in China on Thursday to conduct joint research with Chinese scientists on the origin-tracing of the novel coronav...
21-01-07 你热爱自己的工作吗?一想到要工作一整天,你是无比期待,还是惴惴不安?对于有些人来说,从星期一开始就数着日子,盼着星期五能早早到来,好在周末时光逃离繁琐枯燥的日常事务。难道我们非要带着这种情绪工作吗? Do you enjoy working? Does the prospect of a day i...
21-01-04 How are you feeling today? Our emotions can vary considerably depending on many factors, including our health, wealth, relationships and where we live. But sometimes we need to take a step back and think about what happiness really means and how we...
21-01-04 Beijings 220 health centers have since Friday vaccinated 73,537 people, with no major side effects detected, said Gao Xiaojun, a spokesman for the Beijing Health Commission, at a news conference on Sunday. 北京市卫生健康委员会新闻发言人高小俊在1月3...
21-01-03 Do you love food? Whether youre a foodie or someone who just likes eating, there is so much to choose from. We know that too much of the wrong kind of food can be bad for our health, but for some people having a food allergy means eating certain thi...