21-08-23 Happiness lies first of all in health. 幸福首先在于健康。 Cheerfulness is health; its opposite, melancholy, is disease. 欢乐就是健康,忧郁就是病痛。 It is not work that kills, but worry. 工作不损寿,忧郁才伤身。 All work and no play makes Jack a dul...
21-07-15 1.Constantly checking your phone 不停看手机 A hurtful habit is being glued to our phones and checking them without even thinking about it, Vanessa says. 瓦妮莎称,随时随地把手机带在身边,下意识看手机是一种不良习惯。 Research by De Montfort Universit...
21-07-15 夜夜难以入眠,害怕身体吃不消?研究发现,睡眠不足可以靠运动来补。只要运动量达标,即使睡眠质量差,也可以抵消不良睡眠带来的健康风险。 Staying active and fit could help to ward off some of the negative health impacts that would normally result from low-...
21-07-06 Boreout is different from burnout in the sense that bored-out employees rarely collapse out of exhaustion. Bored-out people may be present physically but not in spirit, and people can keep doing this for a good while, says Harju. 哈留称:闷爆和过度...
21-06-28 日本政府计划推广每周4天工作制,让员工自行选择每周休息三天还是两天,方便员工照顾家庭,改善工作和生活之间的平衡。对此专家们纷纷表达了自己的担忧。 Japans government plans to encourage firms to let their employees choose to work four days a week instead...
21-06-22 表达a clean bill of health有两层含义:第一,它可以指医生告知或给某人开具身体健康状况良好的证明,这层含义和医疗健康有关;第二,它还可以引申为表明、告知某公司的运营状况良好,用来描述其规章制度、安排等合理。我们常说give someone or something a clean bil...
21-06-17 最早在印度被发现的德尔塔新冠变异毒株已经传播到了74个国家,这一毒株不但传染性强,而且感染者更易发展成重症。目前英国超90%的新病例都感染了德尔塔毒株,美国感染该毒株的人数也在急剧增加。 The Delta variant of Covid-19, first identified in India, has been...
21-06-01 你的身边有热爱运动健身的人吗?锻炼身体固然对健康有益,但有些人却过分地沉迷于此。 Do you like to keep fit? Were always told that regular exercise is good for our body and mind. More and more people are taking up activities that improve their fitness....
21-05-20 有人以为,适量饮酒不会有损健康,甚至可能有益健康。然而新研究发现,无论你喝的是什么酒,无论你喝多喝少,都会对你的大脑造成危害。 There is no such thing as a safe level of drinking, with increased consumption of alcohol associated with poorer brain hea...
21-05-19 过劳死一词虽然诞生于日本,但早已成为全球各地的普遍现象。世界卫生组织和国际劳工组织联合开展的研究发现,2016年全球过劳者近5亿人,其中超74.5万人死于过劳引起的中风和心脏...