21-03-30 我们认为人类智慧无穷,动物也一样,但植物呢? Theres nothing better than a walk in the countryside for lifting our spirits. Connecting with nature has been proven to help our mental health. For some, the best tonic is to stroll through a forest, but...
21-03-24 在全球遭遇了百年不遇的疫情后,世界最幸福国家榜首却没有易主,依然还是芬兰。冰岛、丹麦、瑞士和荷兰紧随其后。值得注意的是,今年中国跻身榜单前20名。 To say the past year has been a difficult one for people across the globe is something of an understatem...
21-03-12 外交部领事司表示,3月8日,中国版国际旅行健康证明微信小程序已正式上线。健康证明有纸质版和电子版两种形式,展示持有人的核酸、血清IgG抗体检测结果及疫苗接种情况等。 A Chinese version of the health certificate for international travelers was launched Marc...
21-03-10 Do you lose sleep when you are invited to parties? I do - and I wonder if Im part of the estimated 10% of the UKs population who suffer from whats called social anxiety. The first clinical guideline on the subject, published by the National Institut...
21-02-27 My mother used to say my health was in my hands. I choose what I eat, whether I smoke and how fit I should be so... yes, she had a point. And scientists suspect that what my mother said was not just a figure of speech: the state of our health might...
21-02-27 电脑游戏可能很有意思,不过玩电脑游戏对你有好处吗?有些人担心过度玩电脑游戏可能会影响健康。不过也有一些调查数据显示,适量的玩电脑游戏也有一定益处。 Are you addicted to computer games? Do you stay up all night playing them? Theres no doubt that the ex...
21-02-24 一项新的科学研究提出骑自行车上班可以减少患心脏病和癌症的风险。 Most of us know that the risk of getting ill is reduced when we look after ourselves. Taking regular exercise has proven to be good for our health and scientists have found that the risk...
21-02-23 我们每个人每天都需要足够的睡眠来保持和恢复体力。睡眠不足所带来的负面影响有哪些?一项研究发现缺觉不仅会影响我们的身体健康而且还会给我们的心理健康造成危害。 How much sleep do you need? Do you find that if you dont get enough shut-eye and wake up feeli...
21-02-10 在多屏幕的现代社会中,孩子们的日常生活被各种电子屏幕所包围。他们每天要做的很多事情都涉及长时间盯着一种电子设备屏幕,而有越来越多的证据表明长时间看屏幕会使孩子的视力下降,造成近视。 These days there is so much tempting technology to look at: smartpho...
21-02-09 不管你是不是甜品爱好者,都无法避免摄入日常饮食中所含的糖分。这是因为很多食物和饮料是含糖的。尽管人们都知道过度摄入糖类有害健康,但这并没有阻止一些人大量且无节制地吃甜食,从而患上肥胖、糖尿病和龋齿等疾...