日期:2012-10-02 Baby dating describes a trend where young parents try to find playmates for their kids through online platforms just like adults who are looking for a date. They list detailed requirements for the potential son/daughter-in-law and display pictures o... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-09-24 Fry (cook in hot oil) 油炸 Roast (cook with dry heat, especially in an oven; for example duck) 烘烤(肉类) Pure (process food through a blender to make a soft pulp; for example tomato pure) 把做成酱、浓汤 Mince (chop, cut or grind into very small p... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-09-24 Ferocious (savagely fierce; a tiger) 凶猛的 Tame (domesticated from a state of wildness; a horse) 温顺的 Venomous (poisonous; some species of snake) 有毒的 Agile (quick in movement; a monkey) 敏捷的 Prehistoric (from a time before recorded history;... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-09-24 Smog 烟雾 Travelogue 旅行见闻演讲 Motel 汽车旅馆 Oxbridge 牛津和剑桥 Snazzy 时髦的 Chocoholic 嗜食巧克力者 Vegeburger 素食汉堡 Bromance 兄弟情谊 Eurocrat 欧共体官员 Framily 家人般的朋友 Carjack 抢劫汽车 Biofeul 生物燃料 Camcorder 便携式摄像机 Scrumm... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-09-12 A case in which a boy died after drinking a Coca-Cola strawberry beverage has been determined to be an act of spreading poison with intent , police said on Tuesday. 警方周二称,男孩儿因饮用可口可乐草莓饮料中毒身亡案件系一起人为的投毒案件。 文中的spr... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-09-12 Cao Qi, an online vendor at Tmall.com, said they usually receive 100 to 200 orders for anti-dust masks a day. 淘宝商城的一位店主说,他们每天能收到100200个防尘口罩的订单。 文中的anti-dust masks就是指防尘口罩,anti-表示抗,防之义,比如anti-wrinkle(防... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-09-12 Several steps, such as reducing the interview-screening process, building a new consulate in Guangzhou and expanding current offices, are being taken to ease the entry process for Chinese visitors. 美国驻华使馆表示,将采取多项措施放宽对中国公民入境... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-09-12 China's top broadcasting watchdog has ordered a national ban on all TV stations airing commercials during TV dramas. 国家广电总局近日颁布限广令,规定在全国各电视台播出电视剧时,禁止插播广告。 文中的ban on all TV stations airing commercials指的就是 T... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-09-12 The Hunan provincial commission of finance reportedly spent 30 million yuan ($ 4.7 million) on a purchase which was really worth 15 million yuan. The related officials said they did it to expend the budget . 据报道,湖南省财政厅花费3000万元(470万美... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-09-12 Female workers in China are set to enjoy longer maternity leave from work. A draft regulation published by the State Council's Legislative Affairs Office would prolong a working woman's maternity leave from the current 90 days to 98 days (14 weeks).... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-09-12 Dubbed the Squeezed Middle by the Labour Party, millions of low- or middle-income families have seen their standard of living eroded by a toxic mix of high inflation, stagnating pay and government austerity measures. 英国数百万中低收入家庭的生活水平... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-09-12 What if your boyfriend always opposed you by saying, Mom said this, Mom said that? A 28-year-old woman in Chongqing finally couldn't stand it anymore and ran away from home on Nov 19, Chongqing Evening News reported. 如果你的男友经常用妈妈说这个、妈... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-08-30 Regulators in Wisconsin and many other states are hearing a significant jump in complaints about what is often called caller ID spoofing or call laundering. 美国威斯康星州和其他州的监管机构不断接到人们对来电显示欺诈行为的抱怨。 文中的caller ID spoof... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-08-30 These purchases, which are not for practical needs, but merely to show off and gratify the owners'vanity, are called face consumptions . 这类消费行为不完全是为了实际需要,更多是出于炫耀和满足面子的目的,因此被称为面子消费。 文中的face consumptions就... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-08-30 Zombies are artificial followers that can be bought and sold online for as little as 4 yuan a thousand. 僵尸粉就是指那些可以在网上以每1000个4元的便宜价格进行买卖的虚假粉丝。 文中的zombies就是指僵尸粉,也称为zombie fans或者phantom fans(幽灵粉丝),... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-08-30 Following the roars of a tiger mom, a wolf dad stirred controversy again on stick parenting . 继虎妈热潮之后,狼爸再一次激起了关于棍棒教育的争论。 文中的stick parenting就是指棍棒教育,这是自称中国wolf dad(狼爸)的香港商人萧百佑所推崇的一种教育理念... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-08-30 China is one of the 25 systemically important countries , including France, Italy and Brazil, that have agreed to mandatory assessments at least once every five years. 中国是25个系统重要性国家之一,法国、意大利、巴西等国也在此列,这些国家商定每五年... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-08-30 Crisis may create 'two-speed Europe': A two-speed European Union may come sooner than expected, analysts said, as the worsening debt crisis requires deeper and stricter fiscal discipline in the eurozone. 欧债危机将导致双速欧洲:分析人士指出,双速欧... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-08-30 The Chinese government is considering establishing a monitoring system for private lending activities after a severe debt crisis of small firms in east China brought the informal lending market into spotlight. 我国政府正考虑建立民间借贷活动的监控系... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-08-30 Anti-monopoly probe into telecom giants confirmed: The two domestic telecom giants are being investigated over alleged monopolistic practices, the first such case involving large State-owned enterprises. 发改委确认对两电信巨头开展反垄断调查:国内两... 阅读全文>>

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