日期:2008-03-13 DOME-BOOK, DOOM-BOOK or DOM-BEC A book in which Alfred the Great, of England, after uniting the Saxon heptarchy, collected the various customs dispersed through the kingdom, and digested them into one uniform code. 4 Bl. Com. 411. DOMESDAY, or DOMES... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-13 DOGMA , civil law. This word is used in the first chapter, first section, of the second Novel, and signifies an ordinance of the senate. See also Dig. 27, 1, 6. DOLI CAPAX . Capable of deceit, mischief, having knowledge of right and wrong. See Discr... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-13 DOCKET , practice. A formal record of judicial proceedings. 2. The docket should contain the names of the parties, and a minute of every proceeding in the case. It is kept by the clerk or prothonotary of the court. A sheriff's docket is not a record... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-13 DIVORCE . The dissolution of a marriage contracted between a man and a woman, by the judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction, or by an act of the legislature. It is so called from the diversity of the minds of those who are married; because su... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-13 DISTRINGAS , remedies. A writ directed to the sheriff, commanding him to distrain one of his goods and chattels, to enforce his compliance of what is required of him, as for his appearance in a court on such a day, and the like. Com. Dig. Process, D... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-13 DISTRESS INFINITE , English practice. A process commanding the sheriff to distrain a person from time to time, and continually afterwards, by taking his goods by way of pledge, to enforce the performance of something due from the party distrained up... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-13 TO DISTRAIN . To take an keep any personal chattel in custody, as a distress. (q. v.) DISTRAINOR . One who makes a distress of goods and chattels to enforce some right. DISTRESS , remedies. A distress is defined to be, the taking of a personal chatt... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-13 DISSEISOR , torts. One who puts another out of the possession of his lands wrongfully. DISSENT , contracts. A disagreement to something which has been done. It is express or implied. 2. The law presumes that every person to whom a conveyance has bee... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-13 DISPARAGEMENT . An injury by union or comparison with some person or thing of inferior rank or excellence; as, while the infant was in ward, by the English law, the guardian had the power of tendering him a suitable match without disparagement. 2 Bl... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-13 DISINHERITANCE . The act by which a person deprives his heir of an inheritance, who, without such act, would inherit. 2. By the common law, any one may give his estate to a stranger, and thereby disinherit his heir apparent. Coop. Justin. 495. 7 Eas... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-13 DISCRETIONARY TRUSTS . Those which cannot be duly administered without the application of a certain degree of prudence and judgment; as when a fund is given to trustees to be distributed in certain charities to be selected by the trustees. DISCUSSIO... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-13 DISCREPANCY . A difference between one thing and another, between one writing and another; a variance. (q. v.) 2. Discrepancies are material and immaterial. A discrepancy is immaterial when there is such a difference between a thing alleged, and a t... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-13 DISCOUNT , practice. A set off, or defalcation in an action. Vin. Ab. h. t. DISCOUNT , contracts. An allowance made upon prompt payment in the purchase of goods; it is also the interest allowed in advancing money upon bills of exchange, or other neg... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-13 DISCONTINUANCE , pleading. A chasm or interruption in the pleading. 2. It is a rule, that every pleading, must be an answer to the whole of what is adversly alleged. Com. Dig. Pleader, E 1, ri 4; 1 Saund. 28, n. 3; 4 Rep. 62, a. If, therefore, in an... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-13 DISCHARGED . Released, or liberated from custody. It is not equivalent to acquitted in a declaration for a malicious prosecution. 2 Yeates, 475 2 Term Rep. 231; 1 Strange, 114; Doug. 205 3 Leon. 100. DISCLAIMER . This word signifies. to abandon, to... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-13 DISCHARGE OF A CONTRACT . The act of making a contract or agreement null. 2. Contracts may be discharged by, 1. Payment. 2. Accord and satisfaction. 8 Com. Dig. 917; 1 Nels. Abr. 18; 1 Lilly's Reg. 10, 16; Hall's Dig. 7 1 Poth. Ob. 345. 3. Release.... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-13 DISAFFIRMANCE . The act by which a person who has entered into a voidable contract; as, for example, an infant, does disagree to such contract, and declares he will not abide by it. 2. Disaffirmance is express or implied. The former, when the declar... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-13 DIRECTORY . That which points out a thing or course of proceeding; for example, a directory law. DIRIMANT IMPEDIMENTS , canon law. Those bars to a marriage, which, if consummated, render it null. They differ from prohibitive impediments. (q. v.) DIS... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-13 DIPLOMATICS . The art of judging of ancient charters, public documents or diplomas, and discriminating the true from the false. Encyc. Lond. h. t. DIRECT . Straight forward; not collateral. 2. The direct line of descents for example, is formed by a... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-13 DIME , money. A silver coin of the United States, of the value of one-tenth part of a dollar or ten cents. 2. It weighs forty-one and a quarter grains. Of one thousand parts, nine hundred are of pure silver and one hundred of alloy. Act of January 1... 阅读全文>>

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