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A new collection of high-heeled shoes has been launched in US- for babies. The makers1 describe the shoes, which are for infants aged2 up to six months, as "sassy heels" for babies. The designers say they had 'fun, hilarity3 and glamour4' in mind when they created the shoes. They are marketing5 as a first high heel for baby girls. Priced at £19.99 they are designed to look exactly like a pair of shoes worn by adult women. The US makers - Heelarious - have produced designs in pink, black and even leopard6 or zebra-skin prints. They are being sold in Britain by 36 year old Julia Taylor, from Bexley, Kent, who has struck an exclusive deal to sell them in the UK. Mrs Taylor, whose daughter, Bethany, is 14 months old, discovered the shoes through friends who had spotted7 the website and thought they were "fun." She admitted the shoes were very 'American' but feels there is a market in this country and is selling them through her website 'Heels for Her'. Mrs Taylor has already exhibited the Heelarious collection at a London baby show. She admits the feedback was "mixed." She said: "There is the odd negative comment from mums who think the shoes are dangerous. "Most change their mind though when they see that the heels aren't solid but soft and perfectly8 comfortable. "If you think about it - some mums think it's pretty toget their baby's ears pierced and that can be painful. "These shoes are nothing like that - they're completely soft, comfortable and safe for the baby." Mrs Taylor added: "People who buy the heels are perfectly normal mums who are either interested in fashion or just recognize how fun the shoes are." 一款专为婴儿设计的高跟鞋日前在美国推出。 这款高跟鞋专为六个月以下的婴儿设计,生产商称其为宝宝必备的“时尚跟鞋”。 这款鞋的设计师们称,他们在设计时考虑了“可爱、活泼和时髦”等元素。生产商称这款鞋是“专为女宝宝设计的首款高跟鞋”。 宝宝高跟鞋每双售价19.99英镑,外观和成年女性的高跟鞋一模一样。 这款鞋由美国“Heelarious”制鞋公司生产,共有粉色、黑色、豹纹和斑马纹四种样式。 目前这款鞋在英国的独家代理是来自肯特郡贝克斯利的36岁的朱莉亚•泰勒。 朱莉亚从几位发现Heelarious网站的朋友那了解到了这款高跟鞋,她觉得这款鞋“很可爱”。朱莉娅的女儿贝丝妮现在14个月大。 朱莉亚坦称这款鞋的确非常“美式”,但她认为在英国也会有市场。目前朱莉亚在她的网站“Heels For Her”上销售这款鞋。 此前,朱莉亚在伦敦的一个婴儿用品展览上展出了这款宝宝高跟鞋。她说人们对这款鞋的反应“褒贬不一”。 她说:“有些妈妈认为这款鞋很危险。” “不过很多人在得知这款鞋的鞋跟是软的而且很舒服之后,便改变了他们的看法。” “你想想,有些妈妈觉得给宝宝扎耳眼(戴耳坠)很好看,但那的确很疼。” “相比之下,这款高跟鞋根本算不得什么——它柔软舒适,而且很安全。” 朱莉亚说:“买这款鞋的都是一些普通的妈妈,她们要么热爱时尚,要么就是觉得鞋子很可爱。” 点击 ![]()
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