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A billboard1 featuring an illustration of German politicians including German Chancellor2 Angela Merkel(L) wearing only underwear is displayeed at a press conference in Berlin The ad from underwear company "Bruno Banani" reads "we are giving everything to increase demand". Berliners on the city's main shopping drag, the "Ku'damm", were greeted Thursday with an unusual sight: a giant mocked-up image of Chancellor Angela Merkel in a matching purple bra and knicker set. The 100-metre-square (1,000-square-foot) image of the half-naked world leader is part of a nationwide advertising4 campaign for an underwear company aiming to cash in on the success of a "cash-for-clunkers" scheme for old cars. Punters trading in their old underwear will get a five-euro (seven-dollar) discount on a new pair, the advert3 promises, under the slogan: "The country needs new undies." The electronic advert -- on a busy road junction5 in the heart of former West Berlin -- was certainly causing a stir on the streets, with scores of people taking snapshots of the billboard with cameras or mobile phones. "I think it's great. Brilliant. It's a positive signal for the economic situation in Germany," said a 54-year-old who gave his name of Meier adding he would "definitely" trade in his old pants at the first opportunity. A 37-year-old called Bebe said: "I think it's fantastic that you can look at something funny when you're waiting for the bus." Merkel herself was tight-lipped on the subject. "The chancellor's office does not want to comment on the campaign," a spokesman said. This is not the first time the 54-year-old chancellor has made waves, intentionally6 or not, with her dress. Last year, she made front-pages around the world after wearing a revealing low-cut dress to the opening of the Oslo Opera House prompting headlines such as "Merkel's Weapons of Mass Destruction" from British tabloid7 the Daily Mail and "Deutschland boober alles" from media gossip website Gawker. In 2006, another British tabloid, the Sun, snapped her changing into a bathing suit while on holiday in Italy under the headline "Big in the Bum-destag", a reference to the Bundestag, Germany's lower house of parliament. Lined up behind Merkel in the advert are other members of Germany's political elite8, also in their underwear, including Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, who aims to unseat Merkel in upcoming elections. "I don't really understand it. I don't know who they all are. Apart from Merkel, of course," said a 24-year-old who gave her name as Sonja. 上周四在德国首都柏林的主要商业大街“库达姆”街购物的人们一定被眼前的一幕惊呆:该街道的广告屏上是一幅巨大的电脑合成照片,而广告主角是身着紫色胸罩和内裤的德国总理安吉拉•默克尔。 这位国家领导人的半裸内衣广告有100平米(1000平方英尺)大小,是一家内衣公司全国广告活动之一,该公司旨在借助“旧车换现金”的成功经验,(采取以旧换新促销术)赚取利润。 该广告许诺称,顾客只需提供一条旧内裤,就可以优惠5欧元(7美元)购买一条新内裤。广告屏上还打出一条标语称:“这个国家需要新的内衣!” 由于这个电子广告屏位于前西柏林市中心的一个繁忙的三叉路口处,所以引起了一阵混乱,路过此地的人们纷纷拿出照相机或手机拍照。 一位54岁自称名为Meier的男子说:“我觉得这很棒,是个聪明的做法。这对德国经济状况来说是一个积极的信号。”他还说,他“一定”会在第一时间拿旧内裤去换新。 37岁的Bebe说:“我觉得在等公共汽车的时候能看到这么有意思的东西简直是太好了。” 默克尔本人则对此事保持沉默。据一位发言人称:“总理办公室不愿对此活动发表评论。” 54岁的默克尔已不是第一次因衣服引发风波——不管是有意还是无意的。 去年,她因在出席奥斯陆歌剧院的开幕典礼时穿了一件低胸露乳沟的礼服而登上世界各地媒体的头版。英国《每日邮报》有关这条新闻的标题是《默克尔的大规模杀伤性武器》,美国八卦媒体网站Gawker起的标题为《德意志“胸”大于一切》。 2006年,英国另一家报纸《太阳报》拍到默克尔在意大利度假时更换泳装的照片,该报在登出照片时所用的标题是《Big in the Bum-destag》(《我的臀部很大》),暗指德国议会下院(Bundestag)。 在这则广告上,默克尔的身后还有德国其他几位政坛精英,他们排成一列,同样只穿着内衣,其中包括外交部长富兰克-沃尔特•施泰因迈尔,他是即将举行的德国大选的总理候选人。 一个24岁的名为Sonja的女孩说:“我不是太明白。我不知道他们都是谁。当然默克尔除外。” Vocabulary: main drag:要道 cash in on:靠...赚钱;乘机利用 点击 ![]()
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