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A notorious Cambridge University end-of-exams party has lived up to its reputation with students downing excessive amounts of alcohol, collapsing1 and throwing up. Cambridge University end-of-exams party "Suicide Sunday" lived up to its reputation with students collapsing in the streets after downing excessive amounts of alcohol. Passers-by were shocked to see rowdy bikini-clad students struggling to stand up and vomiting2 at midday on a Sunday afternoon. This year for the first time in 80 years the garden party, organised by the Wyverns, an all-male Magdalene College drinking society, had to be held in a new location after officials banned students from holding the event on university land. The decision was made after a 23-year-old student was arrested during the infamous3 jelly wrestling contest for punching a spectator. Extra security and police were also drafted in this time to patrol the party, whilst other college parties elsewhere in Cambridge were cancelled. But despite the new venue4 the end-of-exams celebration followed the same format5 with a blazers and bikini theme, and riotous6 drinking games. "The way the students were behaving was absolutely disgusting," said one passer-by. "It was only midday on Sunday and there were lots of families and young people around enjoying the sunshine. "The students were lying across the verges7, lots of them were vomiting and they were singing rowdy drinking songs. "I understand they want to celebrate the end of their exams but they were completely out of control." Many had to be carried or helped away from the five hour party and the police stepped in to help one party-goer who collapsed9 on a verge8. The highlight of the day was the jelly wrestling contest, with hundreds gathering10 to watch bikini-clad female students battle it out for a £250 prize. Some garden parties were cancelled this year as college authorities have become extra wary11 of binge drinking. 为庆祝考试结束,剑桥大学的学生组织了名副其实的“自杀周日”派对,学生们喝得酩酊大醉,倒在大街上人事不省。 下午过半,身穿比基尼泳装的学生们大吵大闹,醉得几乎站不起来,还有人呕吐不止,令路人惊讶不已。 该露天派对已有80年历史,由莫德琳学院“飞龙”男生饮酒社团组织。今年校方首次禁止在校园内举办,因此该派对移师到校外的一处新址。 校方之所以做出上述规定是因为一名23岁的学生在臭名昭著的“果冻摔跤”大赛中挥拳打观众而被捕。 学校还部署了其他安全措施和警力维持派对秩序,同时取消了剑桥大学其他学院的派对。 尽管这场庆祝考试结束的派对换了新的地点,学生们仍然身穿颜色鲜艳的上衣和比基尼来参加,还在派对上玩放纵的饮酒游戏。 一位路人说:“学生们的行为十分令人厌恶。” “当时正值星期天中午,附近有很多家人和年轻人在晒太阳。” “学生们躺在路边的绿化带上,很多人在呕吐,喝得醉醺醺的,还闹哄哄地唱着歌。” “他们想庆祝考试结束,这我可以理解,但场面完全失控了。” 在这场持续5小时的派对上,很多人被搀扶着才能离开,警察还赶来帮助一名醉倒在路边的学生。 当天的高潮是“果冻摔跤”大赛,身穿比基尼泳装的女学生们为了250英镑奖金拼抢,引来数百人围观。 由于校方对饮酒狂欢格外警惕,今年剑桥大学取消了一些露天派对。 Vocabulary: rowdy:boisterous, unruly, obstreperous12(吵闹的,粗暴的) vomit:to eject from the stomach through the mouth; spew(呕吐) garden party:露天派对,游园会 riotous:(of an act) characterized by or of the nature of rioting or a disturbance13 of the peace.(骚乱的,狂欢的) 点击 ![]()
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