• 英国公司推出罐装家乡空气解乡愁

    20-12-26 Over in the UK, a fast-spreading new coronavirus variant has led to several countries around the world imposing bans and restrictions on travel to the nation, meaning a large number of residents currently abroad will not be able to return any time s...

  • Little Women - Chapter 29

    20-09-28 Come, Jo, its time. For what? You dont mean to say you have forgotten that you promised to make half a dozen calls with me today? Ive done a good many rash and foolish things in my life, but I dont think I ever was mad enough to say Id make six call...

  • 科学家称发现了地球上最干净的空气

    20-06-30 科学家相信他们已发现了地球上最干净的空气。研究人员发现,该区域大气圈并未因为人类活动而改变,大气边界层也没有人类活动所制造的气胶微粒。 Scientists have discovered what they believe to be the cleanest air on Earth. Researchers from Colorado State Unive...

  • 室内盆栽并不能有效地净化空气

    19-11-29 In 1989, NASA conducted its famous Clean Air Study to see whether common houseplants might purify indoor air by removing toxins in addition to absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. It worked, and while plants are still capable of absorbing...

  • 特朗普任命芭芭拉·巴雷特为空军部长

    19-05-22 President Donald Trump nominated an aerospace executive and former ambassador to Finland to be the next secretary of the Air Force on Tuesday. 特朗普周二任命一名航空航天业高管、前任驻芬兰大使芭芭拉巴雷特为下任空军部长。 Trump said in a tweet that he...

  • 北京空气污染管制获联合国认可

    19-03-27 Beijings air pollution control efforts have won recognition at the fourth United Nations Environment Assembly in Nairobi earlier this month. 本月初在内罗毕举行的第4届联合国环境大会上,北京的空气污染管制工作获得认可。 Beijing has made remarkable achi...

  • 中国歼-10C战机参加中巴空军联训

    18-12-04 This years China-Pakistan joint international air exercise dubbed Shaheen-VII kicked off at a Pakistan air force base, Times of Islamabad reported on Sunday. 《伊斯兰堡时报》周日报道,2018年中国-巴基斯坦雄鹰-Ⅶ联合训练啊巴某空军基地展开。 Chinas Air...

  • 四川成都开通成都直飞开罗航班

    18-10-08 Sichuan Airlines will open a direct air route linking Chengdu, capital of southwest Chinas Sichuan Province, and Egypts capital Cairo on October 23, the airline said Sunday. 四川航空将于10月23日开通四川成都直飞埃及首都开罗的航班。 Chengdu will becom...

  • 北京设立2020环境改善目标

    18-09-18 The Beijing municipal government released a new environmental plan, in its continued bid to improve the Chinese capital citys air quality. 北京市政府公布了一份新的环境计划,将持续提高首都的空气质量。 By 2020, the city wants to have cut by 25 percent...

  • 未来20年中国飞行员缺口达12.8万

    18-08-30 Chinese airlines will require nearly 130,000 new pilots over the next 20 years to meet growing air travel demand. 未来20年,中国的航空公司将需要将近13万名新飞行员以适应不断增长的空旅需求。 Thats according to research undertaken by US aircraft manufa...