21-12-06 HOAR FROST 白霜 One of the first signs of winter is the hoar frost of late autumn. Deriving its name from an Old English word (hoar, meaning to appear old), this is the thin, feathery coating of ice that often forms on objects during cool nights wit...

  • cold front 冷空气

    21-12-01 Cold air is coming, wear thicker clothes tomorrow. 小伙伴们,你们能看出来,上面的话错在哪吗? 上面提到的cold air,小伙伴以为是冷空气,看似没问题,cold是冷,air是空气,所以cold air是冷空气,堪称完美! 但有时越是看似很对的中式英语套路,就越是错误的。...

  • Northanger Abbey - Chapter 1

    21-11-29 No one who had ever seen Catherine Morland in her infancy would have supposed her born to be an heroine. Her situation in life, the character of her father and mother, her own person and disposition, were all equally against her. Her father was a cl...

  • 巴西圣保罗计划2025年使用纯电动空中的士

    21-09-25 很快,乘坐飞机上班将不再是富豪的专利。巴西圣保罗计划在2025年率先使用纯电动空中的士搭载通勤乘客。据称,打飞的费用将被压到和优步出租车相近的水平。 The skies over Latin Americas largest city are set to witness a futuristic aerospace revolution after th...

  • 巴西圣保罗计划2025年使用纯电动空中的士

    21-09-25 很快,乘坐飞机上班将不再是富豪的专利。巴西圣保罗计划在2025年率先使用纯电动空中的士搭载通勤乘客。据称,打飞的费用将被压到和优步出租车相近的水平。 The skies over Latin Americas largest city are set to witness a futuristic aerospace revolution after th...

  • full of hot air 夸夸其谈、纸上谈兵

    21-08-19 短语 full of hot air 可以形容某人夸夸其谈、纸上谈兵。 例句 My boss keeps promising to give me a pay rise but the extra money never comes. He is full of hot air! My mate Phillip is full of hot air - he says he know lots of celebrities, but I know its...

  • up in the air 悬而未决

    21-08-16 短语 up in the air 的意思是由于很多不定因素从而无法对某事的最终结果下论断,就像汉语里常说的悬而未决。 例句 The doctor told me I cant travel because I need to get some vaccinations done first. Im not sure Ill be able to go on Wednesday - its all up i...

  • a breath of fresh air 令人耳目一新的人或事物

    21-07-19 在这个表达中,搭配 fresh air 的意思是新鲜的空气,a breath of fresh air 这个说法的字面意思是一股清风或一口新鲜的空气,实际含义是令人耳目一新的事或人,常用来表示与众不同的新鲜事或做出这类改变的人。 例句 Miranda, with her wonderful ideas and passion, i...

  • to build castles in the air 白日做梦,空想

    21-07-05 英语搭配castles in the air 浮在云间的城堡的含义是几乎不可能实现的梦想或计划,这与我们常说的汉语成语空中楼阁和黄粱一梦含义相近。所以,表达to build castles in the air被用来形容人的幻想不切实际,可以理解为做白日梦的意思。 例句 Pat is such a dreamer. Sh...

  • there's a nip in the air 寒气袭人

    21-04-12 在口语中,如果想描述 天气寒冷,凉意逼人,则可以使用表达 Theres a nip in the air. 。名词 nip 的意思是 严寒、寒冷。 Theres a nip in the air. 通常用来强调天气冷得刺骨,让人不好受、不舒服,而不能形容天气凉快、凉爽。 除了 Theres a nip in the air. 以外,...