• Okay. Just checking. 好吧,我只是随囗问问。

    22-07-25 1. Probably. Its still up in the air. 大概吧,但还不确定。 不知道各位有没有这样的经验, 你问他我们今天见面要做什么, 他说我也不知道, 到时再看看吧。其实这种情形中外皆然, 各位不必惊讶。到时候再看看也是老美常说的一句话, 简单的讲法就是, I havent decided y...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 1

    22-07-13 The day broke gray and dull. The clouds hung heavily, and there was a rawness in the air that suggested snow. A woman servant came into a room in which a child was sleeping and drew the curtains. She glanced mechanically at the house opposite, a stu...

  • 和夏天有关的地道表达

    22-06-28 Indian summer 秋高气爽的日子却是暖风徐徐,暖洋洋的让人不想动,根本没有入冬的自觉,这种暖到怪异的天气我们称为Indian summer。 Indian summer也意味着生命中迟来的幸福和成功,大器晚成。 Its a scorcher! Scorcher 形容天气很热很热。今年夏天是不是又一个热成狗...

  • full of hot air 夸夸其谈

    22-06-14 hot and bothered 烦躁不安 Officials at the Defence Ministry are getting all hot and bothered about secrets getting out. 国防部的官员们因机密泄露的事情而焦虑不安。 full of hot air 夸夸其谈 His utterances were full of hot air . 他的发言大话连篇。 blow...

  • up in the air 事情不能确定

    22-05-11 (To be) Up in the air 当我们说到某些在空中的事物,我们想到的是某些东西飘在空中或在天上飞,或许是一架飞机或一个气球。但事实上,如果某人告诉你某些东西在空中,那么这表示事情不能确定;确定的计划还没制定。 Jen have you set a date for the wedding yet? 珍...

  • 2021年我国环境质量稳步改善

    22-04-25 2021年,我国空气质量持续向好,地表水环境质量稳步改善。 Chinas environment further improved last year, according to an official report on the environmental conditions and the achievement of environmental protection objectives in 2021. 国务院关于2021...

  • 2021年全国生态环境质量明显改善

    22-04-24 2021年,我国空气质量持续向好,地表水环境质量稳步改善。 Chinas environment further improved last year, according to an official report on the environmental conditions and the achievement of environmental protection objectives in 2021. 国务院关于2021...

  • 几个不能 “望文生义”的短语

    22-04-19 1. in the air a. 字面意思表示 在空中。比如: Snowflakes flutter in the air. 雪花在空中飞舞。 b.引申意义表示 悬而未决。比如: Most of the problems were solved at the meeting, but one were left hanging in the air. 大多数问题在回忆中得到了解决,但是还...

  • something is in the air 一件令人兴奋的事情有可能即将发生

    21-12-17 当我们说 something is in the air 空气中有什么东西的时候,其实是想表达一件令人兴奋的事情有可能即将发生。 例句 Spring is in the air - its a time for change! Theres definitely something in the air - two of my friends have announced they are getting mar...


    21-12-06 THUNDERSNOW 雷雪 The conditions required to create thundersnow are most common around lakes (it occasionally accompanies lake-effect snow) and coastal areas. In these places, the sun is able to heat the ground and cause relatively warm and humid col...