• 中国空军进行公海训练任务

    18-03-26 The Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) Air Force recently conducted a high-sea training mission in the West Pacific and a joint combat patrol mission in the South China Sea, an air force spokesperson confirmed Sunday. 中国人民解放军空军发言人周日证实,近...

  • 中国空军苏35战机巡视南海

    18-02-08 The Chinese air force recently sent its Su-35 fighter jets to take part in a joint combat patrol over the South China Sea. 中国空军近期派遣苏35战机参加南海联合战斗巡逻。 This is the first time the Peoples Liberation Army Air Force has made public th...

  • 为了健康着想 不要憋喷嚏

    18-01-20 When sitting in a quiet theatre or a packed train, stifling a sneeze by holding the nose and closing the mouth may seem like the courteous option. 当你坐在安静的剧院或拥挤的列车上时,用捂鼻子或紧闭嘴巴的方法把喷嚏憋回去似乎是个有礼貌的选择。 But doc...

  • 中国空军飞机首次飞越对马海峡

    17-12-19 Chinese air force planes Monday flew through Tsushima Strait for the first time and conducted drills in international airspace over the Sea of Japan, an air force spokesperson said. 中国空军发言人表示,我军飞机周一首次飞越对马海峡并在日本海国际空域...

  • 中国空军巡查巴士海峡和宫古海峡

    17-12-12 A Chinese air force formation conducted a regular patrol exercise that passed the Bashi Channel and Miyako Strait on Monday, an air force spokesperson confirmed Tuesday. 中国空军一位发言人周二证实,一支空军编队周一飞越巴士海峡和宫古海峡进行了一次常...

  • 中国空军开展“红剑-2017”军演

    17-11-29 The Chinese air force launched its Red Sword-2017 drills at the end of November in northwest China, reports the Peoples Daily. 《人民日报》报道,中国空军已于11月底在西北部地区开展代号红剑-2017的军事演习。 The drills included aircraft, missiles, rada...

  • 邮轮甲板上空气很糟 含大量微粒

    17-07-16 Levels of pollution on some cruise ships decks are worse than in the worlds most polluted cities, an investigation by Channel 4 Dispatches has found. 英国第四频道《深入报道》节目调查发现,邮轮甲板上的空气污染程度超过了世界上污染最严重的城市。 The un...

  • 世界最大的雾霾净化塔出现在大连

    17-06-29 Dutch designer Daan Roosegaarde and his team have brought the worlds largest anti-smog tower to the 2017 Summer Davos in Dalian. 荷兰设计师丹罗斯加德和他的团队为大连2017夏季达沃斯带来世界最大的雾霾净化塔。 The 7-meter-tall device is said to be capab...

  • 气囊制造商高田公司申请破产保护

    17-06-26 Japanese air bag maker Takata Corp. has filed for bankruptcy protection in Tokyo and the US. 日本气囊制造商高田株式会社在日本和美国申请破产保护。 The company announced the expected action Monday morning Tokyo time. It confirmed that most of its asse...

  • 京津冀可能遭受重度臭氧污染

    17-05-19 Heavy air pollution, including high ground level ozone (O3) levels, is likely to hit Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and some of its neighboring areas in the coming days, the Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) said Thursday. 中国环境保护部门周四表示,...