• 未能汇报安全问题 本田被罚款7千万美元

    15-01-09 Japanese automaker Honda has agreed to pay a record 70 million U.S. dollars in fines for failing to report accidents and other safety issues over 11 years. 因11年间未能汇报事故与其它安全问题,日本汽车生产商本田同意支付7千万美元巨额罚款。 Honda has f...

  • 美国将关闭欧洲15处空军基地

    15-01-09 The U.S. Defense Ministry has announced to shut down 15 air bases in Europe due to tight budgets and a shrinking military. 美国国防部宣布因为预算紧张以及军队减缩,将关闭欧洲15处空军基地。 The Pentagon says it is ending operations at an air base in B...

  • lung-clearing tours 洗肺游

    14-12-17 Given the frequent smog in cities like Beijing, some travel agencies have promoted tours to places known for good air quality like the southern Chinese cities of Guilin, Lijiang and Sanya and overseas destinations of Bali, Maldives and Phuket. These...

  • Air Umbrella 空气伞

    14-11-20 One might say the standard umbrella is already perfectly designed -- compact, resistant to all but very strong winds, and it generally keeps your top half dry. A new umbrella design by Je Sung Park and Woo Jung Kwon aims to not only change the umbre...

  • 水力压裂法的环境成本与收益

    14-09-15 A strange thing happened on the way to dealing with climate change: Advances in hydraulic fracturing put trillions of dollars' worth of previously unreachable oil and natural gas within humanity's grasp. The environmental costs -- and benefits -- fr...

  • 大气污染可能会使脑部受损

    14-07-20 A new research describes how the brains of mice are damaged by exposure to air pollution in early life. 一项新研究表明,老鼠若在幼年期长期接触污染大气,脑部可能会受损。 The brain damage includes the enlargement of a part of the brain that is seen in...

  • 地区极端天气与大气变化有关

    14-06-24 Variations in high-altitude wind patterns expose particular parts of Europe, Asia and the US to different extreme weather conditions, a new study has shown. Changes to air flow patterns around the Northern Hemisphere are a major influence on prolong...

  • 庄周梦蝶

    14-06-16 Zhuang Zhou once had a dream. He dreamt of himself turning into a butterfly, flying in the air, feeling like he was real capriccioso(活泼自由的) butterfly. In his dream he was amused and exhilarated(振奋的) without noticing that this butterfly w...

  • 泡泡穹顶对付雾霾

    14-05-30 On most days, a thick blanket of poisonous smog hovers over Beijing. But one day, China's capital could be dotted with domes filled with clean air. 大多数时间,北京都笼罩在厚厚的有毒雾霾之下。不过,也许从某天起,北京将到处点缀着充满清洁空气的穹顶。...

  • 空气取样技术能有效对抗生物恐怖主义

    14-05-10 Air and surface sampling techniques currently used by the US government are effective in fighting bioterrorism and potentially saving lives, a Saint Louis University researcher finds. Results published in Biosecurity and Bioterrorism by Alexander Ga...