• 影响体味的8种食物

    18-01-23 1. Red meat In a 2006 study published in Chemical Senses, women rated vegetarian mens perspiration samples as overwhelmingly more attractive, as opposed to those who had recently consumed red meat. Because red meat is harder to digest, it leaves beh...

  • 研究:喝酒后外语会说得更加流利

    17-11-06 Take a quick tipple and you could find yourself speaking a second tongue more naturally, according to new research. 一项新的研究显示,一杯酒下肚以后,你的外语会说得更加流利。 The foreign language skills of participants in the study were found to be...

  • 新加坡科学家研发益生菌啤酒

    17-07-22 If you needed yet another reason to drink beer, science just gave it to you. Researchers from the National University of Singapore (NUS) just developed a new type of probiotic beer which could improve your immune system and neutralize pathogens and...

  • 孕期喝酒会改变胎儿颅面发育

    17-06-16 Just a couple of glasses of wine during pregnancy could alter your childs facial features, a new study claims. 一项新研究称,怀孕期间只喝几杯酒也会改变胎儿的面部特征。 It has long been seen that alcohol can infect a fetus, causing developmental dela...

  • 老虎·伍兹涉嫌酒驾被捕

    17-05-31 Golf legend Tiger Woods was arrested around 3 a.m. Monday on suspicion of driving under the influence in Florida according to the Palm Beach County Sheriffs Office. 棕榈滩县警长办公室表示,周一凌晨3点左右高尔夫传奇人物老虎伍兹涉嫌酒驾被捕。 Accordin...

  • Dry January 一月戒酒

    17-05-10 Dry January is a custom of abstaining from alcohol for the month of January, particularly practised in the United Kingdom. 一月戒酒指的是在一月戒掉酒精的一种习惯,这种习俗一般指在英国。 In Britain, its bottoms up from the week before Christmas till...

  • drinking culture 酒桌文化

    16-07-31 Anhui province has banned alcoholic beverages at official banquets, except those held to attract investment or involving foreign affairs. 安徽省规定,公务接待除外事、招商活动外,一律不准饮酒。 今年6月初,中央巡视组向安徽反馈回头看情况,专门提到酒桌...

  • 怎样才能不打呼噜?

    16-07-16 Snoring happens when your airflow becomes partially blocked. Some easy fixes: Try sleeping on your side or stomach (research shows those positions may reduce snoring) and avoiding alcohol (liquor can relax throat muscles, making it more difficult fo...

  • 容易堵塞毛孔的化妆品成分

    16-03-12 Alcohols: Cetearyl alcohol, oleyl alcohol, and other types can trigger the development of white heads and blackheads, the first lesions in acne. Even worse, alcohols are irritants and can dry out the skin. That irritation can trigger flare-ups, whic...

  • drynuary 戒酒的一月

    16-02-23 Drynuary is the practice of not drinking for the entire month of January -- staying dry -- usually in response to over-consumption during the holidays. It's also a campaign to encourage abstinence from alcohol during January. 戒酒的一月是指整个一月...