• 无酒精能量饮料可能对健康有害

    11-01-27 Highly- caffeinated(含咖啡因的) energy drinks even those containing no alcohol may pose a significant threat to individuals and public health, say researchers at the University of Maryland School of Public Health and Wake Forest University School...

  • 能量饮料不能减弱酒精对身体的影响

    11-01-13 Marketing efforts that encourage mixing caffeinated(含咖啡因的) energy drinks with alcohol often try to sway young people to believe that caffeine will offset the sedating(安静的,沉着的) effects of alcohol and increase alertness and stamina(毅...

  • 俄制作戒酒宣传片《恶魔松鼠》

    10-12-12 为了宣传戒酒,俄罗斯卫生社会发展部制作了一个戒酒宣传片《恶魔松鼠》。 Russias health ministry has rolled out an unlikely new weapon in its fight against rampant(猖獗的,蔓延的) alcoholism: a video of a drunken squirrel hallucinating(产生幻觉) . T...

  • 适度饮酒可降低代谢性疾病危险

    10-11-30 With the emergence of an epidemic of obesity and type 2 diabetes (DM) throughout the world, the association of lifestyle habits that may affect the risk of metabolic diseases(代谢性疾病) is especially important. Most prospective studies have shown...

  • 饮用运动饮料可能导致酒精依赖

    10-11-18 Energy drinks are commonly consumed by teens and college students A new study shows that energy drink consumption is strongly associated with increased risks for heavy drinking and alcohol dependence These results call for more scrutiny(监视) rega...

  • 酒精对人体损害甚于肝脏

    10-11-12 Alcohol does much more harm to the body than just damaging the liver. Drinking also can weaken the immune system, slow healing, impair(损害,削弱) bone formation, increase the risk of HIV transmission and hinder(阻碍,打扰) recovery from burns,...

  • 酒精对人体的伤害超过海洛因

    10-11-01 Alcohol is more harmful than heroin or crack, according to a study published in medical journal the Lancet. 医学杂志《柳叶刀》上一项研究显示,酒精对人体的伤害超过海洛因。 The report is co-authored by Professor David Nutt, the former UK chief drugs a...

  • 酗酒的基因根源可能将被发现

    10-08-13 A mutation(突变,变化) found in a mouse gene that also appears in humans might provide new insights into the genetic roots of alcoholism, according to a study led by researchers at the Ernest Gallo Clinic and Research Center and the University of...

  • 研究:饮酒可缓解关节炎症状

    10-07-29 Drinking alcohol can not only ease the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis it appears to reduce disease severity too, research suggests. 研究显示,饮酒不仅可以缓解风湿性关节炎的症状而且似乎可以减轻病情的严重度。 More research is needed to find out why...

  • 英国军队中精神创伤问题并不普遍

    10-05-13 Alcohol misuse is a problem among UK troops who have been in Afghanistan and Iraq, but serious mental disorders are not as common as feared, a study says. 一项调查显示,对于曾经驻守阿富汗和伊拉克的英国士兵来说,饮酒无度成为一个普遍存在的问题,但是严...