• 智利研究人员研制出酒瘾疫苗

    13-02-03 智利大学的研究人员已研制出世界首例酒瘾疫苗。这种疫苗注射入体内后,酒瘾患者浅酌一口便能立即产生心跳加速、恶心等宿醉症状,令其痛苦不堪。 While past research has proffered(提供) potential treatments for alcoholism, scientists have yet to develop a wo...

  • The Advantage of Alcohol 酒的好处

    13-01-31 In order to prove the harmful effect of alcohol,the teacher put a bug into a glass filled with alcohol, soon the bug died. The teacher asked a student, What does this show? The student answered, It shows that people won't get parasites if they drink...

  • 睡前小酌影响睡眠质量

    13-01-23 A tipple before bedtime may get you off to sleep faster but it can disrupt your night's slumber, say researchers who have reviewed the evidence. 研究人员称,睡前喝一小杯酒有利于快速睡眠但是会影响睡眠质量。 The London Sleep Centre team says studies s...

  • secondhand drinking 二手酒

    12-12-13 Secondhand drinking (SHD) is a term used to describe the ripple effects of a persons alcohol misuse on families, co-workers, fellow students and society at large. 二手酒(secondhand drinking)指某人过度饮酒之后对家人、同事、同学以及整个社会带来的一...

  • 法国机动车将强制配备呼吸检测仪

    12-07-07 法国政府近期出台一项道路安全新规,要求所有机动车配备呼吸检测仪;另外,机动车驾驶员还须在车内备有高可见度安全背心和三角警示牌,违者将被处以11欧元的罚款。 A new law has come into force in France making it compulsory for drivers to carry a breathalyzer...

  • 怀孕初期少量饮酒不会影响胎儿发育

    12-06-20 Drinking a low or moderate level of alcohol in early pregnancy is not linked to developmental problems in five-years-olds, researchers say. 研究人员称,怀孕初期少量或适度饮酒不会对孩子五岁之前的健康问题有影响。 The Danish research, published in the...

  • As If Awakening From A Dream 如梦初醒

    12-06-12 A competition which subject is on giving up drinking is proceeding. One of lecturers says excitedly, Alcohol can break down conjugal(婚姻的) relation, even cause your wife to leave you A man shouts out at the news, Give me another bottle of Brandy...

  • 每天饮酒小半杯对健康无碍

    12-05-31 About 4,600 lives in England could be saved by reducing alcohol intake to just half a unit a day, say experts. 专家称,每天饮酒小半杯的话,将有4600英国人的生命被挽救。 The Oxford University report warned that alcohol consumption is a risk factor for...

  • 饮酒与乳腺癌有潜在关联

    12-04-25 A research team presented findings that they say may finally explain the link between alcohol consumption and breast cancer. Cells have different mechanisms to remove toxic substances, such as ethanol(乙醇) , the chemical name for alcohol, that re...

  • Du Kang gene 杜康基因

    12-04-17 Du Kang gene is a type of alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme that can dissolve certain toxic substances in alcohol or decaying food. Du Kang is a semi-legendary inventor of liquor. 杜康基因是乙醇脱氢酶的一种,它可以分解酒或腐烂的食物中的有毒物质。传说中杜...