• 好吃 下

    22-03-11 9. toothsome /tu:s()m/ 美味的 吃饭除了要靠嘴和手,牙齿更是少不了的,所以形容东西可口还能用 toothsome 这个词。 To be honest, the family dish is toothsome. 说实话,这道家常菜真的很美味。 10. good-tasting 口感好的 One way of persuading people to drink...

  • 睡前饮食黑榜

    22-01-26 1. Alcohol 酒精 Whilst you might find one glass of wine helps you nod off, alcohol stops you falling into deep sleep. 虽然你可能会觉得一杯葡萄酒可以帮助入睡,但酒精会阻止你进入深度睡眠。 2. Cheese 奶酪 Ever heard people say they have strange dreams...

  • 酒精的度数

    21-12-07 酒精度的定义是指酒中纯乙醇(酒精)所含的容量百分比。 比如某酒100毫升中纯乙醇含量为10毫升,这种酒的酒度就是10度。 酒精度在英语中可以表达为alcohol by volume。 释义: Alcohol by volume (abbreviated as ABV, abv, or alc/vol) is a standard measure of how...

  • 酒量

    21-11-10 酒量的英文是alcohol tolerance。 酒量好可以说: have a high tolerance / be a heavy weight heavy weight:重量级,喝酒场景下的重量级就是很能喝。 酒量不好可以说: have a low tolerance/ be a light weight light weight,轻量级,引申为酒量差。 例句: My fri...

  • 日本三地区进入紧急状态确保奥运安全举行

    21-04-25 由于近期新冠病毒感染率回升,为了保证东京奥运会安全举行,日本宣布东京以及大阪等三个府县进入紧急状态,百货商店、餐厅、酒吧等商业设施都将关闭。 Japan has announced emergency Covid measures in Tokyo and three other areas in a bid to curb rising infectio...

  • 英国科学家研发人造舌头打击假酒交易

    20-12-17 英国科学家研发出可以分辨不同威士忌之间细微差别的人造舌头。这项技术可以用于帮助打击假酒交易。 Engineers used sub-microscopic slides of gold and aluminium, arranged in a chequerboard pattern, to act as the tongues taste buds. The researchers poured wh...

  • 英语前缀

    20-12-13 在很多英语单词的词根前加上前缀 prefixes,则能使之变为具有全新意思的新词。常见的英语前缀有 in-、un-、de-、dis- 等。比如,在单词 certain 确定的 前面加上前缀 un-,组成形容词 uncertain,词义也随之变成了 不确定的。英语中还有哪些常用前缀?它们的用法分别是...

  • 奇葩冰淇淋:高度酒精冰淇淋

    18-07-01 Alcoholic ice-cream treats have been around for a while, but actually getting drunk, or even a bit tipsy on them is a challenge, because, well, they arent very alcoholic. Enter, Buzz Pop Cocktails, a range of gourmet Italian sorbets that pack that p...