• 老年痴呆症血液检测法问世

    11-02-13 UT Southwestern Medical Center scientists have helped develop a novel technology to diagnose Alzheimer's disease from blood samples long before symptoms(症状) appear. This preliminary technology, which uses synthetic molecules to seek out and iden...

  • I am nature's greatest miracle

    11-02-13 Since the beginning of time never has there been another with my mind, my heart, my eyes, my ears, my hands, my hair, my mouth. None that came before, none that live today, and none that come tomorrow can walk and talk and move and think exactly lik...

  • 新方法将有希望治愈中风

    11-02-09 Much of the devastation of stroke and head trauma is due to damage caused the overproduction of a substance in the brain called glutamate(谷氨酸盐) . Preventing this damage has been impossible, until now, as many drugs don't cross the so-called bl...

  • 有同伴在场的青少年更容易冒险

    11-01-30 It is well known that teenagers take risks and that when they do, they like to have company. Teens are five times more likely to be in a car accident when in a group than when driving alone, and they are more likely to commit a crime in a group. Now...

  • 短暂性脑缺血中风对大脑的伤害是持久性的

    11-01-30 Each year, approximately 150,000 Canadians have a transient(短暂的) ischemic attack ( TIA短暂性脑缺血发作 ), sometimes known as a mini-stroke. New research published today in Stroke, the journal of the American Heart Association shows these attack...

  • 麻醉药如何影响自我知觉

    11-01-20 An Inserm research team in Toulouse, led by Dr Stein Silva (Inserm Unit 825 Brain imaging and neurological handicaps), working with the Modelling tissue and nociceptive(疼痛的) stress Host Team (MATN IFR 150), were interested in studying the illus...

  • ROM brain 死脑筋

    11-01-19 脑子这个词在中文里用处不少,我们可以说一个人have brains有脑子,也就是说这个人有想法;我们也可以说一个人have not a brain in ones head没脑子,那就是说这个人想法太简单、太单纯。还有一类人我们可以说他们死脑子或死脑筋,意思是说这类人思想不灵活,不肯接受...

  • 研究人员找到脑瘤细胞的起源

    11-01-10 Scientists have identified the type of cell that is at the origin of brain tumors known as oligodendrogliomas(少突神经胶质瘤) , which are a type of glioma a category that defines the most common type of malignant brain tumor. In a paper published...

  • 坏习惯根植于大脑中

    11-01-08 Uh-oh, the new year's just begun and already you're finding it hard to keep those resolutions to junk the junk food, get off the couch or kick smoking. There's a biological reason a lot of our bad habits are so hard to break they get wired into our...

  • leetspeak 脑残体

    11-01-04 火星文、脑残体一直以来都是颇受争议的话题。也不知是哪个有才的孩子首先创造了这样神奇的文字组合法,害的成年人看了个个摇头,同龄人用了个个拍手。不过,据说好像英文里也有这样的语言呢,他们叫 leetspeak ,看来这文化是越来越互通了哦。 This term nao can ti, m...