• 心脏起搏可挽救猝发心搏停止的癫痫病人

    11-03-24 Mayo Clinic researchers have found that cardiac(心脏的) pacing may help epilepsy(癫痫) patients with seizure-related falls due to ictal(猝发的) asystole (心搏停止) , an unusual condition in which the heart stops beating during an epileptic s...

  • 长期记忆是如何形成的?

    11-03-21 You may remember the color of your loved one's eyes for years. But how? Scientists believe that long-term potentiation(增强作用) (LTP) the long-lasting increase of signals across a connection between brain cells -- underlies our ability to remembe...

  • 人脑如何识别处理面部信息

    11-03-17 It is no surprise to scientists that the largest social network on the web is called Facebook. Identifying people by their face is fundamental to our social interactions, one of the primary reasons vision researchers are trying to find out how our b...

  • milk brain 牛奶大脑

    11-03-11 Milk brain can refer to feelings of disorientation and mental sluggishness reported by some mothers of newborn babies or total involvement in the care of a newborn baby, to the exclusion of almost everything else. 牛奶大脑可以指新生儿母亲表现出的情...

  • 恋人照片有减轻疼痛的功效

    11-03-05 Photographs of loved ones have the power to dull pain, scientists have discovered. 科学家发现,恋人的照片有减轻疼痛的功效。 Researchers found that an image of a romantic partner dulls activity in the pain-processing areas of the brain, to the same d...

  • 大脑某些区域功能可相互转换

    11-03-01 When your brain encounters sensory stimuli, such as the scent of your morning coffee or the sound of a honking car, that input gets shuttled to the appropriate brain region for analysis. The coffee aroma(芳香) goes to the olfactory(嗅觉的) corte...

  • 脊髓液化验可区别莱姆病与慢性疲劳综合征

    11-02-25 Patients who suffer from Neurologic(神经病学的) Post Treatment Lyme disease (nPTLS) and those with the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome report similar symptoms. However unique proteins discovered in spinal fluid can distinguish those two groups from one a...

  • 某脑蛋白可能导致躁郁症

    11-02-24 Understanding the genetics of bipolar disorder(躁郁症) could lead to new treatments, but identifying specific genetic variations associated with this disorder has been challenging. A new study in Biological Psychiatry implicates a brain protein ca...

  • 使用手机会对脑活动产生影响

    11-02-24 In a preliminary study, researchers found that 50-minute cell phone use was associated with increased brain glucose(葡萄糖) metabolism (a marker of brain activity) in the region closest to the phone antenna(天线,触角) , but the finding is of un...

  • 脑胰岛素在糖尿病发展中起重要作用

    11-02-17 Researchers from Mount Sinai School of Medicine have discovered a novel function of brain insulin, indicating that impaired(受损的) brain insulin action may be the cause of the unrestrained lipolysis(脂类分解) that initiates and worsens type 2 d...