• 自闭症能改变大脑的分子结构

    11-05-26 For decades, autism(自闭症) researchers have faced a baffling riddle: how to unravel a disorder that leaves no known physical trace as it develops in the brain. Now a UCLA study is the first to reveal how the disorder makes its mark at the molecul...

  • 科学家发现可保护大脑的蛋白质

    11-05-24 Johns Hopkins scientists say that a newly discovered survival protein protects the brain against the effects of stroke in rodent brain tissue by interfering with a particular kind of cell death that's also implicated in complications from diabetes a...

  • 科学家发现脑回控制基因

    11-05-16 The human brain has yet to explain the origin of one its defining features the deep fissures(裂纹,龟裂) and convolutions(脑回,盘旋) that increase its surface area and allow for rational and abstract thoughts. An international collaboration of...

  • 大脑思维需要经常清理

    11-04-24 If you struggle to remember names and numbers or frequently fail to follow the plot of a film, help could be at hand. 如果你总是想不起别人的名字,总忘记数字,或者常常跟不上电影剧情,那就来看看科学家的建议吧。 Scientists say the problem is that you k...

  • 研究人员利用碳纳米材料制作突触

    11-04-24 Engineering researchers the University of Southern California have made a significant breakthrough in the use of nanotechnologies for the construction of a synthetic(合成的,人造的) brain. They have built a carbon nanotube synapse circuit whose be...

  • 酒精能提高记忆力

    11-04-13 Drinking alcohol primes certain areas of our brain to learn and remember better, says a new study from the Waggoner Center for Alcohol and Addiction Research at The University of Texas at Austin. The common view that drinking is bad for learning and...

  • Big Boss Man

    11-04-11 When the body was first made, all the parts wanted to be Boss. The brain said, I should be boss because I control the whole body's responses and functions. The feet said, We should be Boss as we carry the brain about and get him to where he wants to...

  • 借助实时大脑反馈 人们可更好地控制思想

    11-04-09 As humans face increasing distractions(分心,干扰) in their personal and professional lives, University of British Columbia researchers have discovered that people can gain greater control over their thoughts with real-time brain feedback. The stu...

  • 癫痫发作时单一神经元活动情况

    11-03-28 The first study to examine the activity of hundreds of individual human brain cells during seizures has found that seizures begin with extremely diverse(不同的,变化多的) neuronal activity, contrary to the classic view that they are characterized...

  • 脑电刺激可改善中风病人的吞咽能力

    11-03-25 Stroke patients who received electrical brain stimulation coupled with swallowing exercises showed greater improvement in swallowing ability than patients who did not receive this stimulation, according to a pilot study reported in Stroke: Journal o...