• 帕金森症患者的脑细胞脱离了线粒体

    10-10-07 In a study that sheds new light on the causes of Parkinson's disease, researchers report that brain cells in Parkinson's patients abandon their energy-producing machinery, the mitochondria(线粒体) . A shutdown in fuel can have devastating effects...

  • 夫妻间存在“第六感”

    10-09-30 Ever had the feeling that your partner has the power to read your mind? Well you may not be imagining it. 你有没有过这样的想法,觉得你的伴侣能够看穿你的心思?其实,的确是这样的,你没有在瞎想。 Scientists have found that some couples are so in tune(...

  • 脑刺激可改变用手习惯

    10-09-28 Each time we perform a simple task, like pushing an elevator button or reaching for a cup of coffee, the brain races to decide whether the left or right hand will do the job. But the left hand is more likely to win if a certain region of the brain r...

  • 玩电子游戏可使大脑适应复杂的工作

    10-09-25 Playing video games for hours on end(连续地) may prepare your child to become a laparoscopic(腹腔镜检查的) surgeon one day, a new study has shown. Reorganisation(重组) of the brain's cortical(皮质的,皮层的) network in young men with signifi...

  • 左撇子比常人更易发怒

    10-09-25 Life holds many frustrations for left-handed people from the everyday items designed for right-handers to folklore saying they are in league with the devil. 对于左撇子来说,生活中有许多令人懊恼的事情,日常物件多是为右撇子设计的,民间传说还说他们是魔...

  • 某基因限制了鼠类的学习、记忆能力

    10-09-20 Deleting a certain gene in mice can make them smarter by unlocking a mysterious region of the brain considered to be relatively inflexible, scientists at Emory University School of Medicine have found. Mice with a disabled RGS14 gene are able to rem...

  • 美国研制出脑电波“翻译器”

    10-09-11 美国犹他州立大学的研究人员近期在一份研究报告中宣布,他们可以通过电脑将人类脑电波翻译成文字,且准确率最高可达90%。如果发展成熟,这样的读脑器将能够读懂任何人的心思。 Researchers have been able to translate brain signals into speech using sensors attac...

  • 防止老年痴呆患者的脑部“拥堵”

    10-09-10 Amyloid(淀粉的) beta () proteins, widely thought to cause Alzheimer's disease (AD), block the transport of vital cargoes(货物) inside brain cells. Scientists at the Gladstone Institute of Neurological Disease (GIND) have discovered that reducing...

  • 脑力锻炼可能会在晚年加速痴呆

    10-09-02 New research shows that mentally stimulating activities such as crossword puzzles, reading and listening to the radio may, at first, slow the decline of thinking skills but speed up dementia(痴呆) later in old age. The research is published in the...

  • 致使老年痴呆症脑内斑块形成的蛋白质被发现

    10-09-02 In Alzheimer's disease, the problem is beta- amyloid(淀粉体) , a protein that accumulates in the brain and causes nerve cells to weaken and die. Drugs designed to eliminate plaques(斑块,瓷片) made of beta-amyloid have a fatal problem: they need...